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GO Language Core Programming Course
Chapter1 Introduction to GO language
1-1 What can Golang do?
1-2 How to learn Golang more efficiently (1)
1-3 How to learn Golang more efficiently (2)
1-4 Basic concepts of program
1-5 A brief history of the development of Go language
1-6 Go language features and fast experience
Chapter2 Development tools and environment setup
2-1 Introduction to Golang development tools
2-2 Installation of vscode under windows
2-3 Use of vscode under windows
2-4 Installation and use of vscode under Linux
2-5 Installation and use of vscode under mac
2-6 Building a Go development environment under windows
2-7 Building a Go development environment under Linux
2-8 Building a Go development environment on Mac
Chapter3 Golang program development instructions
3-1 Go program development and basic structure description
3-2 Developing Go programs under Linux and Mac
3-3 Golang performs popularity analysis
3-4 Golang compilation and running instructions
3-5 Go syntax requirements and considerations
Chapter4 Go basics
4-1 Go escape characters
4-2 Common Go development mistakes and solutions
4-3 Comments on Go language
4-4 Standard coding style requirements
4-5 Go Official Programming Guide
4-6 Go language standard library API
4-7 Introduction to common Dos instructions
4-8 Directory operations
4-9 File operations
4-10 Additional guides and comprehensive exercises
4-11 Review and summary of practice questions
4-12 Why variables are needed
4-13 Introduction to variables and quick start
4-14 Variable usage details (1)
4-15 Variable usage details (2)
4-16 Clarify several concepts of variables
Chapter5 type of data
5-1 Introduction to data types
5-2 Basic use of integer types
5-3 Integer type usage details
5-4 Basic uses of floating point types
5-5 Floating point type usage details
5-6 Basic usage of character types
5-7 Character type considerations
5-8 Use of Boolean types
5-9 Basic use of string types
5-10 String type details
5-11 Basic data type default value
5-12 Basic data conversion
5-13 Discussion of basic data conversion details
5-14 Convert basic data to string
5-15 string to basic data type
5-16 String to basic type details
Chapter6 pointer/reference type
6-1 Pointers and their memory layout
6-2 Pointer Cases and Usage Pitfalls
6-3 Value types and reference types
Chapter7 identifier/keyword
7-1 Basic usage of identifiers
7-2 Go identifier naming characteristics and specifications
7-3 Reserved keywords and predefined identifiers
Chapter8 operator
8-1 Basic introduction to operators
8-2 Basic use of arithmetic operators
8-3 Arithmetic operators discussed in detail
8-4 Arithmetic Operators Classroom Exercises
8-5 Relational operators
8-6 Basic use of logical operators
8-7 short circuit with and and short circuit or
8-8 Basic usage of assignment operators
8-9 Assignment operation classic interview questions
8-10 operator precedence
8-11 Other operators
Chapter9 Keyboard input statement
9-1 Get user terminal input
Chapter10 computer base
10-1 Introduction to computer base
10-2 Convert other bases to decimal
10-3 Convert decimal to other bases
10-4 Convert binary to other bases
10-5 Convert other bases to binary
10-6 Original code, inverse code, complement code
10-7 An in-depth explanation of bit operations
Chapter11 process control
11-1 Introduction to process control
11-2 Basic use of single branch
11-3 Single branch flowchart and details
11-4 Basic use of dual branches
11-5 Dual branch flowchart and details
11-6 Single branch and double branch classroom exercises (1)
11-7 Single branch and double branch classroom exercises (2)
11-8 Basic use of multiple branches
11-9 Multi-branch application cases
11-10 Nested branches
11-11 basic use of switch
11-12 switch usage details (1)
11-13 switch usage details (2)
11-14 Classroom exercises for switch
Chapter12 loop control
12-1 Basic introduction and introduction to loop control
12-2 for loop syntax and execution flow
12-3 for loop considerations and details (1)
12-4 for loop considerations and details (2)
12-5 for loop classroom exercises
12-6 Implement while and dowhile control
12-7 Multiple cycle application cases
12-8 Classic case printing hollow pyramid
12-9 Classic case ninety-nine multiplication tables
12-10 Process control after-class exercise instructions
12-11 break introduction and quick start
12-12 break syntax and flow chart
12-13 break precautions and details
12-14 break classroom exercises
12-15 continue introduction and flow chart
12-16 continue execution process analysis
12-17 continue classroom exercises
12-18 goto and return
Chapter13 Functions and packages
13-1 Why functions are needed
13-2 Function introduction and application cases
13-3 Principles of introduction and use of packages
13-4 Quick start with packages
13-5 Precautions and details for package use (1)
13-6 Package usage notes and library files (2)
13-7 Underlying analysis of function calling mechanism
13-8 Recursive call process analysis
13-9 Recursive call class exercise
13-10 Recursive call class exercise (2)
13-11 Function notes and details (1)
13-12 Function notes and details (2)
13-13 Function notes and details (3)
13-14 Function classroom exercises
13-15 init function
13-16 anonymous function
13-17 Basic introduction to closures
13-18 Closure Best Practices and Analysis
13-19 Basic usage of defer
13-20 defer considerations and best practices
13-21 Function parameter passing method
13-22 variable scope
13-23 Variable scope classroom exercises
13-24 Function Class Exercises and Assignments
Chapter14 Go function
14-1 Detailed explanation of Go string functions (1)
14-2 Detailed explanation of Go string functions (2)
14-3 Detailed explanation of Go string functions (3)
14-4 Detailed explanation of Go time and date functions (1)
14-5 Detailed explanation of Go time and date functions (2)
14-6 Go time function classroom exercises
14-7 Go built-in functions
Chapter15 Error handling mechanism
15-1 Go error handling mechanism
15-2 Custom errors in Go
15-3 Go function after-class exercise arrangement
Chapter16 array
16-1 Array usage value
16-2 A quick start with arrays
16-3 Array definition and memory layout
16-4 Use of arrays
16-5 Array for-range traversal
16-6 Array Notes and Details (1)
16-7 Array considerations and details (2)
16-8 Array application examples (1)
16-9 Array application examples (2)
16-10 Array complex application-reversal
Chapter17 slice
17-1 Basic introduction and introduction to slicing
17-2 Memory layout analysis of slices
17-3 Three ways to use slices
17-4 Differential analysis using slices
17-5 Slice traversal
17-6 Slicing considerations and details (1)
17-7 Slicing considerations and details (2)
17-8 Slicing considerations and details (3)
17-9 string and slice
17-10 Slicing Classroom Exercises
Chapter18 Sort and search
18-1 Basic introduction to array sorting
18-2 Analysis of bubble sorting ideas
18-3 Implementation of bubble sort
18-4 sequential search
18-5 Analysis of ideas of binary search
18-6 Code implementation of binary search
Chapter19 Two-dimensional array
19-1 Introduction and Getting Started with Two-Dimensional Arrays
19-2 Two-dimensional array usage and memory layout
19-3 Two-dimensional array traversal method
19-4 Two-dimensional array application examples
19-5 Array and search assignments
Chapter20 map
20-1 Introduction and declaration of map
20-2 Three usages and application examples of map
20-3 crud operation of map
20-4 map traversal
20-5 map slice
20-6 map sorting
20-7 Map usage details and pitfalls
20-8 map comprehensive application examples
Chapter21 object-oriented
21-1 The necessity of object-oriented programming
21-2 Go’s unique object-oriented features
21-3 Quick Start with GO Object-Oriented Programming
21-4 struct memory layout
21-5 Structure declaration and usage pitfalls
21-6 Four ways to create structure instances
21-7 Structure memory allocation mechanism
21-8 Structure usage details (1)
21-9 Structure usage details (2)
21-10 Structure usage details (3)
Chapter22 method
22-1 Method introduction and use
22-2 A quick start with methods
22-3 Method calling and parameter passing mechanism
22-4 In-depth analysis of method usage (1)
22-5 In-depth analysis of method usage (2)
22-6 Method Classroom Exercises (1)
22-7 Method Classroom Exercises (2)
22-8 Explanation of the difference between methods and functions
Chapter23 Object-oriented programming ideas
23-1 Object-oriented programming application examples
23-2 Create a struct instance to specify field values
23-3 Detailed explanation of factory mode
23-4 vscode configuration and shortcut keys
23-5 Object-oriented programming ideas-abstraction
23-6 Object-oriented programming - introduction to encapsulation
23-7 Package quick start case
23-8 Encapsulation classroom exercises explained
23-9 Object-oriented programming - inheritance and introduction
23-10 Inherit basic syntax
23-11 Inherit quick start application example
23-12 In-depth discussion of inheritance (1)
23-13 In-depth discussion of inheritance (2)
23-14 Introduction to multiple inheritance
23-15 Interface introduction and quick start
23-16 Interface features and syntax description
23-17 Description of interface application scenarios
23-18 Interface considerations and details (1)
23-19 Interface considerations and details (2)
23-20 Interface classroom exercises
23-21 Classic cases of interface programming
23-22 Comparison between implementing interfaces and inheritance (1)
23-23 Comparison between implementing interfaces and inheritance (2)
23-24 Polymorphism and manifestation
23-25 Type assertion elicitation and basic usage
23-26 Type assertion best practices (1)
23-27 Type assertion best practices (2)
Chapter24 Household income and expenditure accounting items
24-1 Introduction to household income and expenditure accounting projects
24-2 Introduction to project development process
24-3 Household budget software requirements and interfaces
24-4 Household Income and Expenditure Software-Show Main Menu
24-5 Income and expenditure software-details and registration of income
24-6 Income and Expenditure Software - Register Expenditures and Complete Exits
24-7 Income and expenditure software-improve detailed display
24-8 Income and expenditure software-object-oriented approach
Chapter25 Customer management system
25-1 Requirements analysis and interface
25-2 Program framework diagram (1)
25-3 Program framework diagram (2)
25-4 Main menu and exit
25-5 Show customer list
25-6 add customer
25-7 Delete customer
25-8 Modify clients and jobs
Chapter26 document
26-1 Basic introduction to files
26-2 Open files and close files
26-3 Buffered Reader reads files
26-4 Read file in one go
26-5 Create file and write content
26-6 Four ways to write files
26-7 Determine the existence of a file or directory
26-8 Copy files (pictures, videos and audio)
26-9 Count the number of characters of different types
26-10 Basic use of command line parameters
26-11 The flag package parses command line parameters
Chapter27 Json
27-1 json introduction and application scenarios
27-2 json format and online parsing
27-3 Structure map slice serialization
27-4 tag used when serializing struct
27-5 Deserialization introduction and application examples
Chapter28 unit test
28-1 Introduction to unit testing
28-2 Quick Start with Unit Testing
28-3 Unit test details
28-4 Comprehensive case for unit testing
Chapter29 _goroutine
29-1 Export of _goroutine
29-2 _Basic introduction to goroutine
29-3 go coroutine and go main thread
29-4 Quick Start with Coroutines
29-5 Introduction to MPG mode
29-6 Go sets the number of running cpu
29-7 Coroutine concurrency (parallel) resource competition problem
29-8 Global mutex solves resource competition
Chapter30 pipeline
30-1 Basic introduction to pipelines
30-2 Pipeline Quick Start Case
30-3 Piping Details and Classroom Exercises
30-4 Pipe closing and traversal
30-5 Comprehensive case of coroutines and pipelines
30-6 The mechanism of pipe blocking
30-7 Analysis of Ctrip’s ideas for finding prime numbers
30-8 Code implementation of coroutine for finding prime numbers
30-9 Code efficiency test for coroutine finding prime numbers
30-10 Plumbing Precautions and Details (1)
30-11 Piping Precautions and Details (2)
30-12 Piping Precautions and Details (3)
Chapter31 reflection
31-1 Introduction and application scenarios of reflection
31-2 Basic introduction and schematic diagram of reflection
31-3 Reflection related functions and transformations
31-4 A quick primer on reflection (1)
31-5 A quick primer on reflection (2)
31-6 Reflection considerations and details (1)
31-7 Reflection considerations and details (2)
31-8 Reflection exercises
31-9 Best Practices for Reflection (1)
31-10 Reflection Best Practices (2)
Chapter32 network programming
32-1 Basic introduction to network programming (1)
32-2 Basic knowledge of network programming (2)
32-3 IP and port for network programming
32-4 TCP Programming Quick Start Case Analysis
32-5 TCP Programming-Server Listening
32-6 Server receives client message
32-7 The server loops to receive client messages
32-8 Massive user instant messaging system requirements
Chapter33 Redis
33-1 Basic introduction and principle illustration of redis
33-2 Basic use of redis
33-3 Redis squadron string operations
33-4 Basic use of Hash in redis
33-5 Details of using Hash in redis
33-6 Basic introduction to List in redis
33-7 Basic use of List in redis
33-8 Details of using List in redis
33-9 Introduction and use of Set in redis
33-10 Go connect to redis
33-11 Go operates redis (string type)
33-12 Go operates redis (hash type)
33-13 Introduction and principles of redis connection pool
33-14 Use cases of redis connection pool
Chapter34 Mass user communication system
34-1 Complete interface
34-2 Analysis of sending and receiving messages
34-3 Server received length
34-4 Server receives message -1
34-5 Server receives message -2
34-6 Login (specified user)
34-7 Server-side structure improvement-1
34-8 Server-side structure improvement-2
34-9 Client structure improvements-1
34-10 Client structure improvements-2
34-11 redis user verification analysis
34-12 redis add user
34-13 User login (1)
34-14 User login(2)
34-15 User registration (1)
34-16 User registration (2)
34-17 Show online user list (1)
34-18 Show online user list (2)
34-19 Show online user list (3)
34-20 Show online user list (4)
34-21 Show online user list (5)
34-22 Show online user list (6)
34-23 Show online user list (7)
34-24 Analysis of client messaging ideas
34-25 Client message sending code implementation
34-26 Analysis of ideas for forwarding messages on the server side
34-27 Server-side message forwarding code implementation
34-28 Project summary
Chapter35 Data structures and algorithms
35-1 basic introduction
35-2 Introduction to sparse arrays
35-3 Convert original array to sparse array
35-4 Convert sparse array to original array
35-5 Array simulation queue analysis
35-6 Array simulation queue implementation
35-7 Array simulates circular queue
35-8 Array simulation circular queue implementation
35-9 Basic introduction to singly linked lists
35-10 Adding and displaying singly linked lists
35-11 Orderly insertion into singly linked list
35-12 Deletion of singly linked list
35-13 Introduction to doubly linked list
35-14 Doubly linked list creation and output
35-15 Deletion of doubly linked list
35-16 Create and display circular linked lists
35-17 Deletion of circular linked list
35-18 Linked list job arrangement
35-19 Joseph problem analysis
35-20 joseph problem solving(1)
35-21 Joseph problem solving (2)
35-22 selection sort
35-23 Insertion sort analysis
35-24 Insertion sort implementation
35-25 Insertion sort summary
35-26 quicksort
35-27 stack
35-28 Push operations and traversal
35-29 Stack pop operation
35-30 Stack calculation expression (1)
35-31 Stack calculation expression (2)
35-32 Stack calculation expression (3)
35-33 Stack calculation expression (4)
35-34 Sorting speed comparison
35-35 Analysis of recursive mechanism
35-36 Notes on recursion
35-37 Maze backtracking problem (1)
35-38 Maze backtracking problem (2)
35-39 Hash table (hash) - 1
35-40 Hash table (hash)-2
35-41 Hash table (hash)-3
35-42 Hash table (hash) - 4
35-43 Three ways to traverse a binary tree
35-44 Installation of vscode plug-in
35-45 vscode shortcut keys
35-46 Conclusion
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