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Issue 21_Comprehensive actual combat
Chapter1 1215-ThinkPHP installation, database configuration, data query
1-1 ThinkPHP basics 01
1-2 ThinkPHP Basics 02
1-3 ThinkPHP basics 03
1-4 Thinkphp add, modify, delete data 01
1-5 Thinkphp add, modify, delete data 02
1-6 Thinkphp add, modify, delete data 03
Chapter2 1216-Thinkphp where condition and data table creation of mall project
2-1 Thinkphp where condition 01
2-2 Thinkphp where condition 02
2-3 Data table creation for mall project 01
2-4 Data table creation for mall project 02
2-5 Thinkphp sorting, page turning, aggregation query 01
2-6 Thinkphp sorting, page turning, aggregation query 02
Chapter3 1220-Thinkphp database configuration, transaction operations, requests
3-1 Thinkphp database configuration
3-2 Thinkphp transaction operations
3-3 Thinkphp request
3-4 Thinkphp model operation
3-5 Thinkphp model getter, model modifier, model searcher
Chapter4 1221-Thinkphp6 views, miscellaneous, multi-application
4-1 Thinkphp6 view
4-2 Thinkphp6 Miscellaneous 01
4-3 Thinkphp6 Miscellaneous 02
4-4 Thinkphp multi-application
4-5 Introduction to Vue3
4-6 Vue3 build project
Chapter5 1222-vue3 combination api and option api introduction, vue3 basic syntax, vue3 instructions
5-1 Introduction to vue3 combination API and options API
5-2 vue3 basic syntax
5-3 vue3 directive
5-4 Vue3 event modifiers
5-5 Vue3 process control v-if v-show
Chapter6 1223-Various command organization, Vue loop statements, and use of Vue3 components
6-1 Organizing various commands
6-2 Vue loop statement
6-3 Vue3 component usage
6-4 Vue3 component passing value
6-5 Vue3 component slot 01
6-6 Vue3 component slot 02
Chapter7 1226-vue routing
7-1 vue routing 01
7-2 vue routing 02
7-3 vue routing 03
7-4 Vue combination api 01
7-5 Vue combination api 02
Chapter8 1227-Backend management system, data table design, homepage construction
8-1 Vue3 routing management
8-2 Backend management system data table design
8-3 Backend management system home page construction
8-4 axios installation and use
8-5 How to write an interface in thinkphp6
Chapter9 1228-Backend management system Add page, add interface, add user
9-1 Backend management system - add page, add interface, add user 01
9-2 Backend management system - add page, add interface, add user 02
9-3 Backend management system - add page, add interface, add user 03
9-4 Backend management system administrator modification function, administrator deletion function 01
9-5 Backend management system administrator modification function, administrator deletion function 02
Chapter10 1229-Backend management system - Management group and menu
10-1 Backend management system - management group and menu 01
10-2 Backend management system - management group and menu 02
10-3 Backend management system - management group and menu 03
10-4 Backend management system - menu deletion, group permission addition 01
10-5 Backend management system - menu deletion, group permission addition 02
10-6 Backend management system - menu deletion, group permission addition 03
Chapter11 1230-Backend management system - login and left menu permission settings
11-1 Backend management system - login and left menu permission settings 01
11-2 Backend management system - login and left menu permission settings 02
11-3 Backend management system - login and left menu permission settings 03
11-4 Backend management system-picture upload and page turning 01
11-5 Backend management system-picture upload and page turning 02
Chapter12 1-3-Crmeb system-logical explanation\classification page data acquisition and function display
12-1 Crmeb system - logic explanation
12-2 Crmeb system - Classification page data acquisition and function display 01
12-3 Crmeb system - Classification page data acquisition and function display 02
12-4 Crmeb system - product list page data display
12-5 Crmeb system - product list page page turning function
12-6 Crmeb system - product list page sorting function
Chapter13 1-4-Crmeb System - Product Details Page
13-1 Crmeb System - Product Details Page Data Display 01
13-2 Crmeb system - product details page multi-attribute interface, multi-attribute display 02
13-3 Crmeb system - product details page multi-attribute interface, multi-attribute display 03
13-4 Crmeb system - product details page multi-attribute selection
13-5 Crmeb system - Login and send verification code logic 01
13-6 Crmeb System - Login and Send Verification Code Logic 02
Chapter14 1-5-Alibaba Cloud SMS, Crmeb system-add product to shopping cart
14-1 Alibaba Cloud SMS configuration and sending 01
14-2 Alibaba Cloud SMS configuration and sending 02
14-3 Crmeb System - Add Products to Shopping Cart
14-4 Crmeb system - order page display and order function 01
14-5 Crmeb system - order page display and order function 02
Chapter15 1-6-Crmeb system - order details page interface, order details page interface and display
15-1 Crmeb system - Order details page interface
15-2 Crmeb System - Order Details Page Interface and Display 01
15-3 Crmeb System - Order Details Page Interface and Display 02
15-4 Crmeb system-order list page interface and data display 01
15-5 Crmeb system-order list page interface and data display 02
Chapter16 1-9-Crmeb system - change status and shopping cart on order list page
16-1 Crmeb System - Order List Page Change Status 01
16-2 Crmeb System - Order List Page Change Status 02
16-3 Crmeb system - shopping cart display and quantity modification
16-4 Crmeb System - Shopping Cart Ordering and Order Payment 01
16-5 Crmeb System - Shopping Cart Ordering and Order Payment 02
Chapter17 1-10-Crmeb system - Coupon display, collection and use
17-1 Crmeb System - Coupon 01
17-2 Crmeb System - Coupon 02
17-3 Crmeb System - Coupon 03
17-4 Crmeb system - generate promotion url and bind home uid 01
17-5 Crmeb system - generate promotion url and bind home uid 02
Chapter18 1-11-Crmeb system - online settlement, Alibaba Cloud server purchase
18-1 Crmeb System - Home Settlement 01
18-2 Crmeb System - Home Settlement 02
18-3 Alibaba Cloud Server Introduction and Purchase
18-4 Pagoda panel installation and introduction 01
18-5 Pagoda panel installation and introduction 02
Chapter19 1-12-Domain name and pagoda panel construction project
19-1 Domain name purchase and resolution
19-2 Pagoda panel construction project
19-3 Pagoda panel uses mysql database
19-4 Alipay payment installation and payment 01
19-5 Alipay payment installation and payment 02
Chapter20 1-13-WeChat payment function explanation\course summary
20-1 WeChat payment function explanation 01
20-2 WeChat payment function explanation 02
20-3 Course Summary
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