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VUE e-commerce project (front-end & back-end dual project actual combat)
Chapter1 Project initialization
1-1 Tutorial introduction
1-2 vue-cli scaffolding initialization project
1-3 Other configurations of the project
Chapter2 Project routing
2-1 Project routing analysis
2-2 Header and Footer non-routing components are completed
2-3 Complete the construction of routing components
2-4 Use of routing metainformation
2-5 Route passing parameters
2-6 Interview questions related to routing transfer parameters
2-7 Override push and replace methods
Chapter3 static components
3-1 Home page component split business analysis
3-2 TypeNav three-level linkage global component completed
3-3 HomeSplit static components
Chapter4 interface
4-1 Supplementary video recording-instructions (interface and other issues)
4-2 POSTMAN tool test interface
4-3 axios secondary packaging
4-4 Unified management of API interfaces
Chapter5 Level three linkage
5-1 Use of nprogress progress bar
5-2 vuex template development
5-3 Dynamically display three-level linkage data
5-4 Complete three-level linkage dynamic background color
5-5 Control the display and hiding of secondary and tertiary categories through JS
5-6 Demo stuttering phenomenon introduces anti-shake and throttling
5-7 Understanding function anti-shake
5-8 Understanding function throttling
5-9 Three-level linkage throttling
5-10 Analysis of three-level linkage routing jumps
5-11 Complete the routing jump and parameter transfer services of three-level linkage
5-12 review
Chapter6 Categories
6-1 Product classification and transition animation in Search module
6-2 Optimization of typeNav product classification list
6-3 Merge parameters
6-4 mockjs simulate data
6-5 Get the data of Banner carousel chart
6-6 Basic use of swiper
6-7 Banner implements the first solution for carousel charts
6-8 Carousel chart solves the problem through watch+nectTick
6-9 Get floor component mock data
6-10 Dynamically display Floor components
6-11 Shared component Carsouel
Chapter7 Search module
7-1 Static components of the Search module
7-2 search module veux operation
7-3 Dynamically display product list in search module
7-4 Search module obtains data display based on different parameters
7-5 Dynamic development of subcomponents in Search module
7-6 Monitor route changes and send another request to obtain data.
Chapter8 Bread crumbs
8-1 Breadcrumb processing classification operations
8-2 Breadcrumb processing keyword
8-3 Breadcrumbing brand information
8-4 Operation of platform sales attributes
Chapter9 sort
9-1 Sorting operation (Part 1)
9-2 Sorting operation (Part 2)
9-3 Paginator static component
9-4 Sorting review
Chapter10 Pagination
10-1 Analysis of paging function
10-2 Pager start and end number calculation
10-3 Paginator dynamic display
10-4 Paginator completed
10-5 Paginator adds class name
10-6 scrolling behavior
10-7 Product details data acquisition
10-8 Product details display dynamic data
10-9 Paginator Review-Crop
10-10 zoom magnifying glass displays data-cropping
10-11 The detail routing component displays product sales attributes-cropping
10-12 Product sales attribute value exclusive operation-cropping
Chapter11 magnifier
11-1 Magnifying glass operation (Part 1)
11-2 magnifying glass over
Chapter12 shopping cart
12-1 Operation of purchasing product quantity
12-2 add to the cart
12-3 Judgment of success and failure of adding to shopping cart
12-4 Add to cart operation
12-5 Route passing parameters combined with session storage
12-6 Shopping cart static components and modifications
12-7 Get shopping cart data with uuid visitor identity
12-8 Shopping cart dynamic display data
12-9 Process product quantity
12-10 Modification of the quantity of products in the shopping cart is completed
12-11 Delete shopping cart products
12-12 Modify product status
12-13 review
12-14 Delete all selected products
12-15 Modify the check status of all products
Chapter13 log in Register
13-1 Login and register static components
13-2 Register business (Part 1)
13-3 Register business (Part 2)
13-4 Login business (token)
13-5 User login carries token to obtain user information
13-6 Explain the existing problems in the login business
13-7 sign out
Chapter14 navigation guard
14-1 Navigation guard understanding
14-2 Navigation Guard Judgment
14-3 Navigation guard user login operation
Chapter15 Transaction, Payment and Personal Center
15-1 trade static component
15-2 Get transaction page data
15-3 Display of user address information
15-4 Transaction page completed
15-5 Submit Order
15-6 Get order number and display payment information
15-7 Use ElementUI in the payment page and introduce it on demand
15-8 WeChat payment business (Part 1)
15-9 WeChat Pay (Part 2)
15-10 Personal center secondary routing construction
15-11 My Order
15-12 Unlogged navigation guard judgment
15-13 User login (exclusive routing and guard within components)
15-14 Lazy loading of images
15-15 vee-validate form validation use
15-16 Lazy loading of routes
15-17 Process map files
15-18 Buy a server
15-19 Security groups and xshell operations
15-20 nginx reverse proxy
Chapter16 Component communication
16-1 6 ways to communicate between components
16-2 Custom event depth
16-3 v-mode in-depth
16-4 sync attribute modifier
16-5 $attrs and $listeners
16-6 $children and $parent
16-7 mixin mixin
16-8 scope slot
Chapter17 Backend management system
17-1 Introduction to backend management system project
17-2 Introduction to background management system templates
17-3 Login business completed
17-4 sign out
17-5 The construction of routing
17-6 Brand management static components
17-7 Brand list display
17-8 Add brand domain and modify brand static completion
17-9 Completed adding brand
17-10 Brand modification completed
17-11 Brand form validation (custom validation rules)
17-12 Delete brand operation
17-13 Product management three-level linkage static components
17-14 Three-level linkage dynamic display
17-15 Three-level linkage completed
17-16 Platform attribute management dynamic display attributes
17-17 Adding attributes and modifying attributes of platform attributes are completed statically
17-18 Operation to collect attribute names
17-19 Collection attribute value operation
17-20 Solve the problem of return button data echo
17-21 Modify attribute operations
17-22 Switch between view mode and modify mode
17-23 View Mode and Edit Mode Notes
17-24 Switch between viewing and editing modes of modified properties
17-25 Implementation of automatic focus on form elements
17-26 Deleting an attribute value
17-27 Save operation
17-28 Button and three-level linkage operability
17-29 SPU management module business introduction
17-30 SPU management module static
17-31 Dynamically display SPU list
17-32 Switching of SPU management content
17-33 SpuForm static component completed
17-34 Analysis of SpuForm request business
17-35 Get SpuForm data
17-36 SpuForm component data display and data collection
17-37 Data display of SpuForm sales attributes
17-38 Complete the collection of SpuForm photo wall data
17-39 Operation of adding sales attributes
17-40 Sales attribute value display and collection
17-41 Delete sales attribute and attribute value operations
17-42 Complete the save operation of modified SPU
17-43 Complete the operation of adding SPU
17-44 Deleting an SPU
17-45 Complete SKU static component
17-46 Get SKUForm data
17-47 Display SKU and collect SKU data
17-48 Add display and collection of SKU image list data
17-49 Complete the adding SKU saving operation
17-50 Display of SKU list
17-51 loding effect
17-52 sku module data display and paging function
17-53 SKU putting and taking down operations
17-54 SKU details view completed
17-55 depth selector
17-56 Introduction to data visualization
17-57 Canvas draws line segments
17-58 canvas draws rectangle
17-59 Draw a circle
17-60 Canvas clearing and drawing text
17-61 Draw a bar chart
17-62 Basic use of svg
17-63 Basic use of echarts
17-64 charts displays multiple charts
17-65 One container displays multiple charts
17-66 Use of dataset in echarts
17-67 Use of echarts built-in components
17-68 echarts coordinate system
17-69 HomeCard static component
17-70 Line chart completed
17-71 Bar chart and progress bar completed
17-72 sale static component (Part 1)
17-73 sale static component (medium)
17-74 sale component completed
17-75 observe static component
17-76 Dynamically display mock data
17-77 Introduction to permission management module
17-78 Cross talk of permission management module
17-79 Menu & Button Permissions
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