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Symfony5 [Develop blog system from scratch]
Chapter1 Introduction to Symfony
1-1 Introduction to Symfony
1-2 Install the running environment and initialize the Symfony project
1-3 Create the first page using Controller
Chapter2 Basic creation and testing of blog content
2-1 Symfony's process of handling http requests
2-2 query parameters of http request
2-3 Placeholders in path - route parameters
2-4 Mysql container service using docker
2-5 Install orm components
2-6 Introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD)
2-7 Create your first unit test
2-8 Add Comment class to add comments to articles
2-9 Add association between article class and comment class
2-10 PostFactory article factory
2-11 Optimize PostFactory class
2-12 Mock stand-in
2-13 Fix test code using Mock
2-14 Use the command line to create the database table corresponding to the Entity class
2-15 Using the database in a test environment
2-16 Integration Testing
2-17 Continue to modify the integration test code
2-18 Use the setUp method to clear the database before each test method
2-19 4 query methods of the Repository class
Chapter3 Blog advanced configuration
3-1 Doctrine QueryBuilder object introduction
3-2 Doctrine Query Language(DQL)
3-3 Install orm-fixtures component
3-4 Use EasyAdminBundle management terminal
3-5 Configure PostCrudController to create an article management page
3-6 Configure CommentCrudController to create a comment management page
3-7 Twig template engine installation
3-8 Blog home page routing
3-9 Complete the controller method of the homepage
3-10 Basic usage of Twig and complete home page display
3-11 Read the PrestaShop source code and learn Symfony project skills
3-12 Fix page issues
3-13 Article details page
3-14 Create a comment form class CommentType
3-15 Handle comment form data submission
3-16 Install the encore component using webpack
3-17 Convert html template to twig template
3-18 The style of the comment form and the display of the comment list
3-19 Test submission of comment form using functional tests
3-20 Nested single table one-to-many relationship for comments
3-21 Add reply comment controller method
3-22 Use of FosJsRoutingBundle
3-23 Handle submission of reply to comment form
3-24 Fixed bug in reply comment form box
3-25 Comment reply level control
3-26 Install Panther and test using a real browser
3-27 Writing Panther test code
3-28 Preparation before pagination Create some fake article data
Chapter4 File upload and form events
4-1 Create some fake review data
4-2 Pagination of article list
4-3 Use KnpPaginatorBundle to paginate the comments list
4-4 Internationalization of pager
4-5 Add page feedback using Flash messages
4-6 Add file upload FileManaged class
4-7 JoinTable method realizes one-way one-to-many
4-8 CollectionType and form row template overrides
4-9 File upload dom event handling
4-10 Handle data submitted for file upload
4-11 Fix the bug in the file upload button of the reply comment form box
4-12 Custom file upload form type
4-13 Form events
4-14 Automatic cropping of LiipImagineBundle comment pictures
4-15 Integrate lightbox2 library
4-16 Management side comment list display picture
4-17 Doctrine life cycle events
4-18 Date attribute adjustment of Post class
4-19 Display of comment list sub-comment post attributes
4-20 Fixed the issue where child comments are deleted at the same time when the parent comment is deleted
4-21 form validation
4-22 Custom validator
4-23 Comment content filtering
4-24 Custom event subscriber
4-25 Event processing priority and GenericEvent
4-26 Delete the comment image after deleting the comment on the management side
4-27 Delete the comment image after deleting the comment on the management side
4-28 Create an admin user using Fixtures
4-29 Create user login form authenticator
4-30 User login authentication process
Chapter5 Complete functions
5-1 Remember me settings
5-2 Prevent brute force login cracking
5-3 UserChecker
5-4 User authorization
5-5 Permission verification on the management side
5-6 Symfony built-in permission properties
5-7 role inheritance
5-8 Management side permission adjustment
5-9 Custom Voter
5-10 Optimize the button of the article list on the management side
5-11 Voter’s strategy
5-12 Automatically set the author when adding an article on the management side
5-13 globalization
5-14 Internationalization of Flash messages
5-15 twig trans filter
5-16 _locale placeholder parameter in path
5-17 Workflow introduction
5-18 Define article publishing workflow
5-19 Modify the status attribute of the Post class
5-20 Modify management workflow
5-21 Permission verification in workflow
5-22 Define workflow for comments using a state machine
5-23 Install the mailer component to send emails
5-24 Install the messenger component to use the message queue
5-25 Send emails synchronously using messenger
5-26 Send emails asynchronously using doctrine queue
5-27 Queue processing flow when email delivery fails
5-28 AMQP message queue-RabbitMQ
5-29 Additional knowledge about AMQP queues
5-30 Learn about REST API and install Api Platform
5-31 Create article API using ApiResource annotation
5-32 Jsonld response format
5-33 Modify API operations
5-34 normalization与denormalization
5-35 Nested display of relational data
5-36 Custom Normalizer
5-37 Fixed the problem of IRI information being lost when customizing Normalizer
5-38 API resource filter
5-39 Custom file upload operations
5-40 Project optimization is packaged and released to the server
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