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Issue 23_Front-end development
Chapter1 0309-First lesson of school
1-1 Learning methods, must-know terminology, environment construction and necessary plug-ins, etc.-1
1-2 Learning methods, must-know terminology, environment construction and necessary plug-ins, etc.-2
1-3 Introduction to markdown syntax and page element types-1
1-4 Introduction to markdown syntax and page element types-2
Chapter2 0310-html essential knowledge points
2-1 Knowledge of page elements, structure, tags and attributes-1
2-2 Knowledge of page elements, structure, tags and attributes-2
2-3 Common sense about layout and table elements
2-4 First experience with forms
Chapter3 0313-Emmet syntax and form elements
3-1 Practical Emmet, let HTML writing fly-1
3-2 Practical Emmet, let HTML writing fly-2
3-3 Detailed explanation of forms and common controls (extremely detailed version)-1
3-4 Detailed explanation of forms and common controls (extremely detailed version)-2
3-5 Detailed explanation of forms and common controls (extremely detailed version)-3
Chapter4 0314-css style source and priority
4-1 video audio elements
4-2 Style source for page elements
4-3 Custom style type
4-4 simple selector
4-5 context selector
Chapter5 0315-Pseudo class/box model
5-1 Pseudo-class selector must know knowledge points-1
5-2 Pseudo-class selector must know knowledge points-2
5-3 Selector Weights and Box Model-1
5-4 Selector weights and box model-2
Chapter6 0316-Common units, font icons, media queries, etc.
6-1 Common units are em, rem, vw, vh-1
6-2 Common units are em, rem, vw, vh-2
6-3 Font icons, media queries and more - 1
6-4 Font icons, media queries and more - 2
Chapter7 0317-Positioning, Flex and Grid
7-1 Detailed description of targeting types
7-2 Detailed explanation of Flex container and project properties-1
7-3 Detailed explanation of Flex container and project properties-2
7-4 Flex practical responsive navigation
7-5 Grid layout principles and properties (1)
Chapter8 0320-Grid layout implementation and mobile terminal layout principle
8-1 grid container and project properties-1
8-2 grid container and project properties-2
8-3 Grid layout in practical grid
8-4 grid practical course list component
8-5 Mobile terminal layout principles and rem dynamics-1
8-6 Mobile terminal layout principles and rem dynamics-2
Chapter9 0321-Practice: Imitation of Toutiao home page layout
9-1 Global styles, header, footer layout-1
9-2 Global styles, header, footer layout-2
9-3 Introduction to the main body and homepage modular solution-1
9-4 Introduction to the main body and homepage modular solution-2
Chapter10 0322-JavaScript Programming Basics
10-1 Learning environment and basic grammar-1
10-2 Learning environment and basic grammar-2
10-3 Variables, constants, functions, data types, etc.-1
10-4 Variables, constants, functions, data types, etc.-2
10-5 Variables, constants, functions, data types, etc.-3
Chapter11 0323-Process control, functions and deconstruction
11-1 Alternative Array and Object Simplification
11-2 Branch structure of process control
11-3 Loop, function parameters and return value -1
11-4 Loop, function parameters and return value-2
11-5 Detailed explanation of destructuring assignment and application scenarios
Chapter12 0324-Commonly used string and array methods
12-1 accessor properties
12-2 Common string and array methods
12-3 Commonly used array methods-1
12-4 Commonly used array methods-2
12-5 Constructors and classes
Chapter13 0327-DOM basic operations
13-1 DOM element query API and how to obtain form elements-1
13-2 DOM element query API and how to obtain form elements-2
13-3 DOM traversal, addition, deletion, modification, etc. (key points)-1
13-4 DOM traversal, addition, deletion, modification, etc. (key points)-2
13-5 DOM traversal, addition, deletion, modification, etc. (key points)-3
Chapter14 0328-Details of events and actual combat
14-1 dataset,classList,getComputedStyle object
14-2 Adding and dispatching events in practice
14-3 Event bubbling, event delegation
14-4 Event Delegation in Practice: Classic Calculator-1
14-5 Event Delegation in Practice: Classic Calculator-2
Chapter15 0329-Modules and modules in action: Classic tab
15-1 Form events and message board practice-1
15-2 Form events and message board practice-2
15-3 Module principle and example demonstration
15-4 Module combat: Classic tab-1
15-5 Module in action: Classic tab-2
Chapter16 0330- Practical combat: classic carousel chart
16-1 Carousel chart structure and writing of function modules-1
16-2 Carousel chart structure and functional module writing-2
16-3 Carousel chart structure and functional module writing-3
16-4 Carousel chart structure and functional module writing-4
16-5 Carousel chart structure and functional module writing-5
Chapter17 0331-json/cross-domain/asynchronous programming
17-1 Introduction and use of json-1
17-2 Introduction and use of json-2
17-3 Cross-domain solution (jsonp and server-side cross-domain)
17-4 fetch and async, await asynchronous synchronization style
Chapter18 0403-fetch request type and npm/node basics
18-1 Fetch request actual combat (html/json/post)-1
18-2 Fetch request actual combat (html/json/post)-2
18-3 Introduction to node/npm command demonstration/use of node module, etc.-1
18-4 Introduction to node/npm command demonstration/use of node module, etc.-2
18-5 Introduction to node/npm command demonstration/use of node module, etc.-3
Chapter19 0404-Practice: Voting system and shopping cart function
19-1 Closure principle and voting system implementation process-1
19-2 Closure principle and voting system implementation process-2
19-3 Practical implementation of a fully functional shopping cart (must learn)-1
19-4 Practical use of a fully functional shopping cart (must learn)-2
19-5 Practical use of a fully functional shopping cart (must learn)-3
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