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Issue 23_Comprehensive actual combat
Chapter1 0505-ThinkPHP Basics
1-1 thinkphp introduction, installation, operation-1
1-2 thinkphp introduction, installation, operation-2
1-3 thinkphp introduction, installation, operation-3
1-4 Thinkphp connects and queries database-1
1-5 Thinkphp connects and queries database-2
Chapter2 0506-thinkphp project configuration, template processing data
2-1 thinkphp project configuration, template display and data processing-1
2-2 thinkphp project configuration, template display and data processing-2
2-3 thinkphp project configuration, template display and data processing-3
2-4 Use of thinkphp include tag-1
2-5 Use of thinkphp include tag-2
Chapter3 0507-ThinkPHPget request, post request, interface
3-1 thinkphp get request, post request, apipost software-1
3-2 thinkphp get request, post request, apipost software-2
3-3 thinkphp get request, post request, apipost software-3
3-4 thinkphp how to write interface, add, modify, delete-1
3-5 How to write interface, add, modify and delete thinkphp-2
Chapter4 0508-thinkphp native mysql statement execution and model setting
4-1 Thinkphp request information, native mysql statement execution-1
4-2 Thinkphp request information, native mysql statement execution-2
4-3 Thinkphp request information, native mysql statement execution-3
4-4 Thinkphp Model creation, setup and practical demonstration-1
4-5 Thinkphp Model creation, setup and practical demonstration-2
Chapter5 0510-Thinkphp multi-application, jQuery installation and operation
5-1 Thinkphp multi-application, join table query, enable debug-1
5-2 Thinkphp multi-application, join table query, enable debug-2
5-3 Thinkphp multi-application, join table query, enable debug-3
5-4 jquery installation, getter, attribute operation-1
5-5 jquery installation, getter, attribute operation-2
5-6 jquery installation, getter, attribute operation-3
Chapter6 0511-jQuery advanced operations
6-1 jquery node, dom element operation, selector enhancement-1
6-2 jquery node, dom element operation, selector enhancement-2
6-3 jquery mouse events, form events-1
6-4 jquery mouse events, form events-2
Chapter7 0512-Thinkphp interface request, Layui
7-1 Thinkphp interface request, Layui introduction, Layui button-1
7-2 Thinkphp interface request, Layui introduction, Layui button-2
7-3 Layui input box, form function-1
7-4 Layui input box, form function-2
Chapter8 0515-layui static table rendering, method configuration rendering, table attribute operation
8-1 layui static table rendering, method configuration rendering, table attribute operation-1
8-2 layui static table rendering, method configuration rendering, table attribute operation-2
8-3 layui static table rendering, method configuration rendering, table attribute operation-3
8-4 layui pop-up box and other functions
Chapter9 0517-Backend cms management system-login and menu list
9-1 Backend cms management system - start-up, login, login verification-1
9-2 Backend cms management system - start-up, login, login verification-2
9-3 Backend cms management system - start-up, login, login verification-3
9-4 Backstage cms management system - menu list, secondary menu list-1
9-5 Backend cms management system - menu list, secondary menu list-2
Chapter10 0518-Backend cms management - menu and user list
10-1 Backend cms management - menu addition, menu modification, menu deletion-1
10-2 Backend cms management - menu addition, menu modification, menu deletion-2
10-3 Backend cms management - menu addition, menu modification, menu deletion-3
10-4 Backend cms management - user list, user addition, deletion and modification-1
10-5 Backend cms management - user list, user addition, deletion and modification-2
Chapter11 0519-Backend cms management - department list, left menu
11-1 Backend cms system-department list, adding department, department permissions-1
11-2 Backend cms system-department list, adding department, department permissions-2
11-3 Backend cms system-left menu, user permissions-1
11-4 Backend cms system-left menu, user permissions-2
Chapter12 0522-Imitate today’s headlines
12-1 Imitation of Toutiao - function explanation, data table design, homepage construction-1
12-2 Imitation of Toutiao - function explanation, data table design, homepage construction-2
12-3 Imitation of Toutiao - function explanation, data table design, homepage construction-3
12-4 Imitation of Toutiao - homepage data display, drop-down display for more-1
12-5 Imitation of Toutiao - homepage data display, drop-down display for more-2
Chapter13 0523-News items-Home page classification, login, verification code
13-1 News items - Home page category switching, login page, Alibaba Cloud SMS introduction-1
13-2 News items - Home page category switching, login page, Alibaba Cloud SMS introduction-2
13-3 News items - Home page category switching, login page, Alibaba Cloud SMS introduction-3
13-4 News items - Verification code sending, login and registration functions-1
13-5 News items - Verification code sending, login and registration functions-2
Chapter14 0524-News items-Release and details page
14-1 News items - news release page, news upload pictures, news release function-1
14-2 News items - news release page, news upload pictures, news release function-2
14-3 News items - news release page, news upload pictures, news release function-3
14-4 News items - news details page, news details function-1
14-5 News items - news details page, news details function-2
Chapter15 0525-News Items - Comments, Follows, Author Pages
15-1 News items - adding comments, displaying comments after adding, user information judgment-1
15-2 News items - adding comments, displaying comments after adding, user information judgment-2
15-3 News items - adding comments, displaying comments after adding, user information judgment-3
15-4 News Items - Follow, Author Page-1
15-5 News Items - Follow, Author Page-2
Chapter16 0526-News item - Obtain IP and use old-fashioned token
16-1 News items - get ip, get provinces and cities through ip, publish news and save provinces and cities-1
16-2 News items - get ip, get provinces and cities through ip, publish news and save provinces and cities-2
16-3 News items - old token usage, JwtToken usage-1
16-4 News items - old token usage, JwtToken usage-2
Chapter17 0529-Alibaba Cloud server purchase, configuration, domain name purchase and filing
17-1 Alibaba Cloud server purchase, Alibaba Cloud server configuration, Pagoda panel installation-1
17-2 Alibaba Cloud server purchase, Alibaba Cloud server configuration, Pagoda panel installation-2
17-3 Domain name purchase and registration, pagoda panel construction project-1
17-4 Domain name purchase and registration, pagoda panel construction project-2
Chapter18 0530-Pagoda panel, background management system
18-1 Pagoda panel scheduled tasks, statistical table creation, data statistics interface-1
18-2 Pagoda panel scheduled tasks, statistical table creation, data statistics interface-2
18-3 Backend management system - button statistics, Baidu rich text editor-1
18-4 Backend management system - button statistics, Baidu rich text editor-2
Chapter19 0601-Q&A class
19-1 Q&A class-1
19-2 Q&A class-2
19-3 Q&A class-3
Chapter20 0602-Interview class
20-1 16 soul questions in interviews
20-2 Entrepreneurship Pitfalls and Suggestions
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