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Geek Academy Android Development Video Tutorial
Chapter1 Introduction to Java Programming Basics: Variables and Data Types
1-1 Basic data types
1-2 Definition of variables and reasons for using them
1-3 Naming, defining and initializing variables
1-4 Use variables to simplify calculations
1-5 Use variables to store multiple types of data
1-6 variable scope
1-7 Wrapper classes for basic data types
1-8 Two's complement
1-9 integer type
1-10 floating point type
1-11 Character type
1-12 Escapes
1-13 The concept and usage of Boolean type
1-14 Convert small type to large type
1-15 Small type to large type conversion case
1-16 Convert large type to small type
1-17 Conversion between int type and char type
1-18 Get data through args array
1-19 Get data from console via Scanner
1-20 Example of inputting data into the console
1-21 Variable self-add, self-subtract, self-multiply, and self-divide operations
1-22 Swap the values of two variables
1-23 Java error types
1-24 DebugDebugging
1-25 Debug debugging case
Chapter2 Detailed explanation of Switch statement in Java language
2-1 Java Switch Statement Overview
2-2 Java Switch statement application case 1 Determine int type data
2-3 Java Switch statement application case 2 "penetration" phenomenon of switch statement
2-4 Java Switch statement application case 3 keyboard input string and judgment
2-5 Java Switch statement application case 4 displays the number of days in a specified month
Chapter3 Java judgment and relational operations
3-1 Types of Java relational operations
3-2 Java examples explain the role of judgment statements and process control in relational operations
Chapter4 Java language logical operations
4-1 Types of Java logical operations
4-2 Java logic long circuit short circuit "AND" operation
4-3 Java logic long circuit short circuit "OR" operation
4-4 Java logical "not" operation
4-5 Java logical operation priority
4-6 Java logic operation case
Chapter5 Usage of Java if judgment statement
5-1 Java If statement overview and usage format
5-2 Java If statement uses format 2-if else statement
5-3 Java If statement uses format 3-if nested statement
5-4 [Java If Statement Algorithm Example 1] Keyboard input Java Android sql three subject scores to find the highest score
5-5 [Java If Statement Algorithm Example 2] Selection method to find the highest score in three subjects
Chapter6 Characteristics and usage of Java loop structure statements
6-1 Java loop overview and while loop
6-2 Use a while loop to print all uppercase English letters and their corresponding Unicode code solutions (1)
6-3 Use a while loop to print all uppercase English letters and the corresponding Unicode code solution (2)
6-4 Do While loop usage format and execution flow
6-5 Use Java do while loop to print all uppercase English letters and corresponding Unicode code solutions (1)
6-6 Use java do while loop to print all uppercase English letters and corresponding Unicode code solutions (2)
6-7 Format of Java For loop statement
Chapter7 Java configuration environment variables and common techniques
7-1 Summary of this lesson
7-2 Course Overview
7-3 Computer Language Overview
7-4 Getting Started with Java
7-5 JDK introduction
7-6 Set environment variables
7-7 Write your first Java program
7-8 Java program structure
7-9 Eclipse Development Tools Overview
7-10 DownloadEclipse
7-11 Introduction to Eclipse development environment
7-12 Create Java project
7-13 Assign a value to the args parameter of the main method
7-14 addition operation
7-15 Java project structure
7-16 Project export
7-17 Project import
7-18 Modify project name, package name and class name
7-19 Java program writing specifications
7-20 Common mistakes
7-21 Commonly used techniques
Chapter8 Detailed explanation of Java class methods
8-1 Summary of this lesson
8-2 static keyword
8-3 Define a parameterless method
8-4 Define methods with parameters
8-5 Define methods with return values
Chapter9 The concept and use of classes and objects in Java object-oriented
9-1 Java method creation and overloading
9-2 Creation of classes and the relationship between classes and objects
9-3 Java object-oriented programming
9-4 Java method recursive call
Chapter10 Basic characteristics of Java object-oriented: encapsulation
10-1 The use of Java encapsulation
10-2 Use of java anonymous objects
10-3 The use of java constructor objects
Chapter11 Passing of references in Java object-oriented
11-1 java reference passing
11-2 java this keyword
11-3 java static keyword
Chapter12 Basic features of Java object-oriented: inheritance
12-1 Implementation of inheritance in Java
12-2 Limitations of Java Inheritance
12-3 Java subclass object instantiation process
12-4 Java method overriding and super keyword
12-5 The difference between Java rewriting and overloading
Chapter13 Java object-oriented - abstract classes and interfaces
13-1 Use of Java final keyword
13-2 Java abstract class
13-3 Implementation of Java interface
Chapter14 Detailed explanation of Java String strings
14-1 Detailed explanation of Java string String
14-2 Java String string common methods
14-3 Java StringBuffer methods
14-4 Java StringBuider usage
Chapter15 Java object-oriented polymorphism
15-1 Java object-oriented polymorphism
15-2 Application of object-oriented polymorphism in Java
15-3 Java object-oriented instanceof keyword
15-4 Java object-oriented abstract class application
15-5 The use of Java object-oriented interface
Chapter16 Java development and debugging and Eclipse shortcut keys
16-1 Commonly used output debugging techniques in Java
16-2 Java operation skills in Eclipse
Chapter17 Java exception handling
17-1 Java exception handling - catching exceptions
17-2 Java exception handling-common exceptions
17-3 Java exception handling - throws keyword (1)
17-4 Java exception handling - throws keyword (2)
17-5 Java exception handling-custom exception
Chapter18 Android integrated development environment construction
18-1 Build an Android integrated development environment on the Mac platform
18-2 Build an Android integrated development environment on the Windows platform
18-3 Build an Android integrated development environment on the Linux platform
Chapter19 Android Basics: Understanding Activity Components
19-1 What is activity
19-2 Activity binding custom view
19-3 Start another activity
Chapter20 Android Basics Activity Life Cycle
20-1 Learn to read help documentation
20-2 Understand the life cycle of Activity
20-3 Life cycle during Activity jump
Chapter21 Android basics: passing parameters between activities
21-1 Pass simple data
21-2 Pass the data package Bundle
21-3 Pass value object
21-4 Get the return parameters of Activity
Chapter22 Activity startup mode of Android basics
22-1 Standard boot mode
22-2 SingleTop mode
22-3 SingleTask and SingleInstance patterns
Chapter23 The concept and application of Intent based on Android
23-1 explicit intent
23-2 Implicit intent
23-3 Intent filter related options
23-4 Launch local activity via browser link
Chapter24 Understanding and using Android basics Context
24-1 The role of Context
24-2 Application purpose
24-3 Application life cycle
Chapter25 Understanding the basics of Android Service
25-1 Use Service
25-2 Bind Service
25-3 Service life cycle
Chapter26 Android Basics Service Communication
26-1 Start Service and pass data
26-2 Bind Service for communication (Part 1)
26-3 Bind Service for communication (Part 2)
Chapter27 Understanding and using AIDL based on Android
27-1 Launching a service across applications
27-2 Cross-application binding Service
27-3 Bind services and communicate across applications
Chapter28 Android basic broadcast receiver
28-1 Using BroadcastReceiver
28-2 Dynamically register and unregister BroadcastReceiver
28-3 BroadcastReceiver priority
Chapter29 Android Basics Android Logging System
29-1 Using the logging API
29-2 Log classification
29-3 View logs using DDMS
Chapter30 Android Basics Android Permission System
30-1 Request permission instance
30-2 Add permission checks to your code
30-3 Add permission checks for basic components
Chapter31 Fragments of Android user interface
31-1 Use fragments
31-2 Fragment life cycle
31-3 Activity with sidebar
31-4 Tabbed Activity
Chapter32 Basic layout of Android user interface
32-1 FrameLayout
32-2 LinearLayout
32-3 Controlling sub-objects with code
32-4 RelativeLayout
Chapter33 Android user interface RecyclerView
33-1 Using RecyclerView
33-2 Customize list items using resource files
33-3 RecyclerView layout style
Chapter34 Common controls in Android user interface
34-1 drop-down list
34-2 date picker
34-3 time picker
34-4 Single choice
34-5 multiple choice
Chapter35 SlidingMenu menu bar program design and development
35-1 Summary of this lesson
35-2 SlidingMenuDemo
35-3 Introduction to SlidingMenu open source library
35-4 SlidingMenu program configuration
35-5 SlidingMenu program development
Chapter36 The use of Android universal pull-down refresh control
36-1 Basic introduction to pull-down refresh control
36-2 Configuring the drop-down refresh control and running examples
36-3 Develop applications that support pull-down refresh
Chapter37 Android drawing API to develop custom view controls
37-1 Summary of this lesson
37-2 Custom view properties
37-3 Custom control skin
37-4 Customize views using the drawing API
Chapter38 Android custom view animation
38-1 Summary of this lesson
38-2 View animation-transparent animation effect
38-3 View animation-rotation animation effect
38-4 View animation-moving animation effect
38-5 View animation-zoom animation effect
38-6 View animation-animation effect mixing
38-7 View animation-animation effect listening
38-8 Custom animation effects
Chapter39 Android creates and configures layout animations
39-1 Summary of this lesson
39-2 Add animation to layout
39-3 Layout content change animation
39-4 Add layout animation effects to lists
39-5 Configuring layout animations using resource files
Chapter40 The application of point 9 cut method in Android UI design
40-1 Summary of this lesson
40-2 Overview of point-nine cut diagram method
40-3 Use of point nine cut diagram method
Chapter41 Android ViewPager boot page
41-1 ViewPager implementation
41-2 Add navigation point
41-3 Add a button to enter the main interface
41-4 Add data storage
Chapter42 Use of DrawerLayout for side-sliding menu
42-1 Sample demo and basic introduction
42-2 Create a drawer layout
42-3 Initialize navigation list
42-4 Listen to drawer open and close events
42-5 Click the icon to open and close the drawer
Chapter43 How to use Action Bar in Android
43-1 Sample demo and basic introduction
43-2 Enable Action Bar
43-3 Auto-hide Action Bar
43-4 Use of Action Provider
43-5 Use of ActionBarSherlock
Chapter44 Surface View drawing API detailed explanation
44-1 How to use Android Surface View
44-2 Android Surface View draws a single graphic
44-3 Android Surface View draws multiple graphics
44-4 Android Surface View draws combined graphics
44-5 Android Surface View drawing combined graphics 2
Chapter45 Toast and Notification
45-1 Pop-up notification Toast
45-2 Status bar prompt Notification
Chapter46 Practical project development: Customizing the left and right menus
46-1 Complete menu layout
46-2 Menu slides left and right
46-3 Add left and right sliding animation
46-4 Handle click events
46-5 Add mask effect
Chapter47 Project development practice: 2D flipping
47-1 2D flip - create animation
47-2 2D flip-add animation monitoring
Chapter48 Multi-touch interaction processing
48-1 Android Android touch event listening
48-2 Android Android touch event delivery
48-3 Get the coordinates of an Android touch point
48-4 Get multiple Android touch point coordinates
48-5 Android Android zoom image example
Chapter49 Sensor, wireless transmission and media hardware function development
49-1 Summary of this lesson
49-2 Basic concepts of sensors in Android
49-3 The composition and use of motion sensors
49-4 The composition and use of position sensors
49-5 The composition and use of environmental sensors
49-6 NFC Technology: Overview
49-7 NFC technology: NFC technology in Android
49-8 NFC technology: Let Android run programs automatically
49-9 NFC technology: Let Android automatically open web pages
49-10 NFC technology: NDEF text format parsing
49-11 NFC technology: reading and writing text data in NFC tags
49-12 NFC technology: NDEF Uri format parsing
49-13 NFC technology: read and write Uri data in NFC tags
49-14 NFC technology: reading and writing non-NDEF format data
49-15 NFC technology: Using Android Beam technology to transmit text (1)
49-16 NFC technology: Using Android Beam technology to transfer files (2)
49-17 Bluetooth technology (1)
49-18 Bluetooth technology (2)
49-19 Wi-Fi Direct
49-20 GPS technology (1)
49-21 GPS technology (2)
49-22 Camera technology (1)
49-23 Camera technology (2)
49-24 audio technology
49-25 multi-touch technology
49-26 TTS technology
49-27 Ringtone settings
49-28 Introduction to AR technology
Chapter50 Core security mechanisms-encryption, keys, signatures
50-1 Summary of this lesson
50-2 Android security overview
50-3 Symmetric encryption of Android security mechanism
50-4 Asymmetric encryption of Android security mechanism
50-5 Android security mechanism key exchange
50-6 Message summary of Android security mechanism
50-7 Electronic signature of Android security mechanism
Chapter51 Operating system security mechanism-process, user and file security
51-1 Processes and process boundaries
51-2 Multi-user and multi-user boundaries
51-3 UID-GID of processes and files
51-4 RealUID and EffectiveUID of the process
51-5 The setUID identifier of the file
51-6 Advanced features
Chapter52 Manipulating XML data in Android
52-1 Introduction to XML data format
52-2 Reading and parsing XML data
52-3 Generate and output XML data
Chapter53 Manipulating JSON data in Android
53-1 Introduction to JSON data format
53-2 Read JSON format data
53-3 Create JSON format data
Chapter54 Android asynchronous task processing
54-1 The concept of thread
54-2 How to use AsyncTask
Chapter55 HTTP-based communication technology in Android
55-1 Read network data using Http's Get method
55-2 Interactive communication with the network using Http's Post method
55-3 Use HttpClient for Get mode communication
55-4 Using HttpClient for Post communication
Chapter56 Android Socket-based network communication
56-1 Socket introduction
56-2 The establishment and use of ServerSocket
56-3 Using ServerSocket to build a chat server-1
56-4 Using ServerSocket to build a chat server-2
Chapter57 Android scans the QR code to log in to the web page
57-1 Sample demonstration and implementation of login mechanism
57-2 Generate simple QR code on PHP web page
57-3 PHP polling database
57-4 PHP custom API interface
57-5 Android client scans QR code
57-6 Android client accesses custom API to implement web page login
Chapter58 Android NDK integrated development environment construction
58-1 Download the necessary files for NDK development
58-2 Build NDK integrated development environment
58-3 Develop a HelloNDK program
58-4 Automatically create header files using ANT
58-5 Compile multiple source files
58-6 Compiled for multiple CPU architectures
Chapter59 Introduction to Android automated testing and its framework
59-1 Current status of Android UI automated testing
59-2 Introduction to various UI testing frameworks for Android
59-3 Example demonstration
Chapter60 UiAutomator environment configuration, compilation and operation
60-1 Configure writing environment
60-2 Create a new test project
60-3 Compile and run test code
60-4 Introduction to running commands and quick debugging
Chapter61 UiDevice API detailed introduction
61-1 UiDevice class introduction
61-2 Buttons and KEYCODE use
61-3 Get coordinates and coordinate click
61-4 Drag and slide
61-5 Rotate screen
61-6 Turn off and wake up the screen
61-7 Taking screenshots and waiting for idle time
61-8 How to get the package name, open the notification bar, quick settings, and get the layout file
61-9 Example demonstration
Chapter62 UiSelector API detailed introduction
62-1 UiSelector class introduction
62-2 Introduction to Android layout, components and component properties
62-3 Introduction to four matching relationships
62-4 Introduction to node relationships
62-5 Object Search - Text and Description
62-6 Object search-class name and package name
62-7 Object Search - Indexes and Instances
Chapter63 UiObject API detailed introduction
63-1 UiObject class introduction
63-2 Click and long press
63-3 Dragging and sliding objects
63-4 Enter text and clear text
63-5 Obtaining object attributes and attribute judgment
63-6 Gesture operation
63-7 Determine whether the object exists
Chapter64 UiCollection API detailed introduction
64-1 Introduction to UiCollection class
64-2 Find objects from a collection
64-3 Get the number of components of a certain search condition
Chapter65 UiScrollable API detailed introduction
65-1 UiScrollable class introduction
65-2 scroll quickly
65-3 Get list child elements
65-4 Get and set the constant value of the maximum number of scrolls
65-5 Sliding area calibration constant setting and acquisition
65-6 Scroll forward and backward
65-7 scroll to an object
65-8 Set scroll direction
Chapter66 UiWatcher API detailed introduction
66-1 UiWatcher class introduction and interrupt listening check conditions
66-2 Listener operation
66-3 Check listener
Chapter67 UiAutomator report viewing
67-1 Report introduction and viewing
67-2 Various status reports and positioning issues
67-3 Output information to report
67-4 Pass in parameter control script
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