HTML5 new elements

HTML5 New Elements

A lot has changed since HTML 4.01 in 1999. Today, several of these elements in HTML 4.01 have been deprecated. Has been removed or redefined in HTML5.

In order to better handle today's Internet applications, HTML5 adds many new elements and functions, such as: graphics drawing, multimedia content, better page structure, better form processing, and Several APIs for drag-and-drop elements, including web application caching, storage, web workers, etc.

<canvas> New element

tag defines graphics, such as charts and other images. This tag is based on JavaScript's drawing API

##New Multimedia Elements

Tag Description

## <canvas>

# <audio># <source>Define multimedia resources <video> and <audio>
Tag Description
Define audio content
<embed>Define embedded content, such as plug-ins. is between elements such as <video> and <audio> The media class specifies the external text track.
## <track>

New form element

<keygen> <output>

New semantic and structural elements

HTML5 provides new Elements to create better page structure:

## Tag Description

## <datalist>

Define the option list. Use this element in conjunction with an input element to define the possible values ​​of the input.
Specifies the key pair generator field used for the form.
Define different types of output, such as script output.
<article>Define an independent content area of ​​the page. <aside> Define the sidebar content of the page. <bdi>Allows you to set a piece of text independent of the text direction setting of its parent element. <command>Define command buttons, such as radio buttons, check boxes or buttons##
tag ##Description
## <dialog>Define a dialog box, such as a prompt box <summary>The label contains the title of the details element <figure>Specifies independent stream content (images, charts, photos, code, etc.). <figcaption>Definition of the title of the <figure> element##
<details>Used to describe the details of a document or a certain part of the document
<footer>Define the footer of section or document.
<header> Defines the header area of ​​the document
<mark>Define text with tokens.
<meter> Define weights and measures. Use only for measurements with known maximum and minimum values.
<nav> Define the part of the navigation link.
is used in ruby ​​comments to define what is displayed by browsers that do not support ruby ​​elements. Content. <section> Define the section (section, section) in the document.
<progress> Define the progress of any type of task.
<ruby>Define ruby ​​comments (Chinese pinyin or characters).
<rt> Define the interpretation or pronunciation of characters (Chinese phonetic notations or characters).

## <rp>

## <time> <wbr>
Define date or time.
Specifies where in the text it is appropriate to add line breaks.

For usage of the above new elements, please visit our HTML Reference Manual

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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <h1>HTML5 新元素</h1> <article> php中文网 —— php中文网!! </article> </body> </html>
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