PHP integer type is an integer
I keep saying, don't be intimidated by the meaning of a noun.
What exactly is plastic surgery?
The so-called integer type is the integer that everyone learns in mathematics.
Integer type - Integer, also called in English: integer. English abbreviation: int
Integers are divided into:
1.10 base
2.8 base (understood, basically not used)
3.16 base (understood, basically not used)
Integers (integers) have maximum and minimum value ranges in computers.
[Understand knowledge points, not commonly used in development] We often hear that 32-bit computers, that is, the maximum range of a 32-bit computer for one operation is -232 to 232-1 .
What about 64-bit computers? ——
Decimal declaration:
<?php //为了方便大家记忆和前期学习,英文不好的朋友也可用拼音来声明变量。以后再用英文来声明变量也无所谓 //声明变量 整数,英文 int //$int = 1000; $zhengshu = 1000; echo $zhengshu; ?>
Octal declaration: starts with 0, followed by an integer from 0 to 7 (understand the knowledge points)
<?php //8进制的取值范围最大为0-7,即0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 $bajingzhi = 033145; echo $bajingzhi; ?>
Hexadecimal declaration: Starts with 0x, followed by 0-f. The abcdef of 0x is not case-sensitive. (Learn about knowledge points)
<?php //16进制的取值范围最大为0-f,即0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f $shiliu = 0x6ff; echo $shiliu; ?>
The focus of this chapter is to learn how to declare a 10-system integer. It doesn't matter if you understand the declarations of octal and hexadecimal systems.
Thinking misunderstanding: It is easy to think about how the octal and hexadecimal systems came into being.