The seventh issue_TP6 basics and CMS practice
This set of courses uses a large-scale CMS with relatively complete functions as a teaching case, allowing you to further improve your practical and hands-on abilities after mastering the basics of front-end and PHP development. In this case, you can fully reproduce various aspects of the real development environment. This application scenario is a complete commercial project that truly starts from scratch until the project goes online...
Issue 7_Framework Development
240107 person learning
157class hour
03 days 05 hours 27 minutes 04 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 51 courses Student5297 Lecturer rating5.4
You will learn:
ThinkPHP6 development basics: ThinkPHP6 is the latest version. This set of courses is based on this version of teaching, allowing you to always be at the forefront. 1. Download and install TP6 Source code download and installation of ThinkPHP6 2. Environment configuration directory structure and development environment configuration 3. Basic database operations 1 Database and query constructor 4. Basic database operations 2 Database model and common operations 5. View template View and template technology 6. Commonly used components Basic common components and their loading and use Core competencies that can be mastered: 1. General backend framework development and permission control; 2. Design of mall product attribute specifications; 3. Generate orders for multiple products and specifications; 4. Caching principles and applications; 5. The whole process of mini program development Real-life problems that can be solved: Flexibly apply the knowledge you have learned before to adapt to changes and fully master all types of website development 2. Backend framework 01. Implementation of top navigation, left menu and main operation area (css, layui panel component); 02. iFrame and menu area adapt to browser height 3. Administrator management 01. Administrator list: layui tables, layui buttons, thinkphp6 database operations, template data rendering; 02. The administrator adds and deletes: layui modal box, layui form form; 4. Permission management 01. Role management: Design of permission table and menu table
The seventh issue_TP6 basics and CMS practice
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03 days 05 hours 27 minutes 04 seconds Watch videos anytime
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