PHP basics-environment/variables/functions, etc.
There has been a rumor in the world that "PHP is the best language in the world". Is it true or false? Don't you want to find out? This set of courses starts from the most basic PHP syntax, from the shallower to the deeper, giving you a different learning experience.
148285 person learning
57class hour
15 hours 24 minutes 41 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 13 courses Student12479 Lecturer rating5.1
You will learn:
1-php environment and operating principles 2-php variables and constants detailed explanation 3-Operators and flow control 4-Elaborate on the functions in PHP 5-Strings and string processing functions 6-Arrays and array processing functions 7-How to load external files
PHP basics-environment/variables/functions, etc.
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15 hours 24 minutes 41 seconds Watch videos anytime
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