PHP object-oriented programming-OOP technology
Object-oriented programming (OOP for short) is not only a need for developing large-scale projects, but also a tool for analyzing problems. PHP has complete object-oriented programming capabilities and can complete the development of large-scale commercial projects. This course combines the object-oriented technology in PHP , break it apart and crush it, and I’ll tell you slowly.
50826 person learning
44class hour
12 hours 14 minutes 48 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 13 courses Student12479 Lecturer rating5.5
You will learn:
1. Classes and Objects 2. Encapsulation and inheritance 3. Abstract classes and interfaces 4. trait technology 5. Late static binding 6. Static members 7. Object serialization 8. Magic method 9. Property and method overloading technology 10. Use of access interceptors 11. Use of anonymous classes 12. Namespace technology 13. Other knowledge points
PHP object-oriented programming-OOP technology
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12 hours 14 minutes 48 seconds Watch videos anytime
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