PHP session control/file upload/pagination technology
Session control is the first step in permission management. File upload is an important part of front-end and back-end big data interaction, and it is also one of the targets to be monitored for security. Paging technology can effectively solve the problem of large data display. This class will use These three aspects will be explained as key points, hoping to achieve the effect of drawing inferences from one instance to other cases.
19062 person learning
22class hour
06 hours 34 minutes 30 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 13 courses Student12479 Lecturer rating5.0
You will learn:
1. Session control cookie/session 2. File upload (single file/multiple files) 3. Paging technology (simple paging and complex paging)
PHP session control/file upload/pagination technology
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06 hours 34 minutes 30 seconds Watch videos anytime
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