JSON and AJAX principles and practice
JSON is a universal lightweight data storage and exchange format that is independent of programming languages. It is written based on JavaScript object syntax and is very suitable for Web development. Ajax is an asynchronous data loading technology that allows users to obtain data without leaving the current page. The user experience is excellent. This course combines json and ajax technologies to demonstrate the application scenarios of these two technologies with examples (the knowledge of php and mysql involved can be temporarily neglect)
7278 person learning
5class hour
02 hours 08 minutes 01 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 72 courses Student45558 Lecturer rating5.6
You will learn:
1. json data format and usage scenarios; 2. The working principle and common attributes and methods of Ajax; 3. How to cooperate with json and Ajax to complete the front-end and back-end data interaction;
JSON and AJAX principles and practice
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02 hours 08 minutes 01 seconds Watch videos anytime
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