vue+tp separates and develops real-time epidemic dynamic map
This public welfare live broadcast uses Vue scaffolding to complete the single-page display of China's epidemic and global epidemic data~ The project structure is carried out using the current trend of completely separating the front and back ends. The way to display China's epidemic data is to make a China epidemic map, and the way to display global epidemic data is to make a column chart. The technical hot spots involved are as follows: 1. echarts map configuration, complex column chart configuration; 2. axios cross-domain request cache data interface; 3. tp redis caches third-party interface data and other contents;
redis cache
vue single page
China epidemic map
global epidemic
Interface data cache
Epidemic interface data
10094 person learning
4class hour
01 hours 37 minutes 10 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 8 courses Student1580 Lecturer rating5.0
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You will learn:
Through this public welfare live broadcast, you will definitely gain a lot~ 1. You will be familiar with how to turn code into a brush and create dynamic maps of China and even the world. 2. Add clear and beautiful chart data to your project backend management system. 3. Be familiar with the configuration and use of redis in the tp6.o framework. 4. Solve cross-domain problems in separate development of front-end and back-end.
vue+tp separates and develops real-time epidemic dynamic map
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01 hours 37 minutes 10 seconds Watch videos anytime
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