PHP development basics, classes and objects
PHP has perfect support for object-oriented programming. Classes are templates for objects, objects are instances of classes, and namespaces are the ultimate solution to naming conflicts for global members. Starting from PHP5.3, the emergence of namespaces, and PHP.5.4, the Trait class breaks through the limitations of single inheritance, making the functions of the class more flexible.
19042 person learning
13class hour
04 hours 49 minutes 29 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 72 courses Student45553 Lecturer rating5.9
You will learn:
1. Class declaration and instantiation; 2. Class automatic loading technology; 3. Member access restrictions; 4. Class inheritance; 5. Range parser; 6.static static member; 7. Late static binding; 8. Namespace declaration and import
PHP development basics, classes and objects
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04 hours 49 minutes 29 seconds Watch videos anytime
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