PHP Development Basics Database (PDO)
PHP is very suitable for rapid development of Web projects, and Web projects are inseparable from the support of databases. PDO is the access abstraction layer of the database, which can provide a unified access interface for all types of databases, making development simpler and operation safer. In particular, PDO preprocessing technology fundamentally eliminates SQL injection attacks. Therefore, this course focuses on the mainstream PDO preprocessing technology and gives you a complete introduction to this development technology.
18347 person learning
10class hour
03 hours 03 minutes 40 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 72 courses Student45558 Lecturer rating5.4
You will learn:
1. Introduction to commonly used SQL statements; 2. Functions of PDO objects; 3. Knowledge of parameter binding; 4. Knowledge of preprocessing objects; 5. Query result set processing technology; 6.PDO implements common add, delete, modify and query (CURD) operations
PHP Development Basics Database (PDO)
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03 hours 03 minutes 40 seconds Watch videos anytime
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