Uniapp implements news information application from scratch
Uni-app is a front-end framework developed based on Vue.js. Developers write a set of codes that can be published to iOS, Android, Web (responsive), and various small programs (WeChat/Alipay/Baidu/Toutiao/QQ/Ding) Ding/Taobao), Quick App and other platforms. This chapter takes you on a learning journey from the zero foundation of uniapp to the development of news and information apps. This practical project was developed using the popular front-end and back-end separation method. The front-end uses uniapp, and the back-end uses tp6.0 to provide interface data.
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11 hours 52 minutes 54 secondsTotal course duration
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You will learn:
1. uniapp-component value transfer and event dispatch; 2. uniapp routing and life cycle; 3. Local data cache; 4 Network requests and custom components; 4. vuex warehouse status management 5. Card association and loading of classified and paginated news content; 6. News details and comments; 7. Real-time acquisition of comment replies and component self-nesting 8. Use native app cloud packaging for map components
Uniapp implements news information application from scratch
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11 hours 52 minutes 54 seconds Watch videos anytime
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