Enter the world of PHP from scratch
PHP is a scripting language that executes on the server side, especially suitable for web development and can be embedded in HTML. After more than 20 years of development, with the rapid development and improvement of php-cli related components, PHP can be used in TCP/UDP services, high-performance Web, WebSocket services, Internet of Things, real-time communications, games, microservices and other non-stop applications. System development in the web field.
98469 person learning
89class hour
14 hours 35 minutes 55 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 72 courses Student45558 Lecturer rating5.1
You will learn:
1. PHP basic syntax and process control; 2. PHP function programming; 3. PHP object-oriented programming; 4. Session control; 5. Other necessary skills... For more information, see the course catalog
Enter the world of PHP from scratch
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14 hours 35 minutes 55 seconds Watch videos anytime
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