Uniapp Jane Eyre reading project development--Season 2
This course develops the Jane Eyre reading project using a completely separated front-end and back-end approach. The front-end uses the uniapp framework, a set of popular code multi-end applications, and the back-end uses thinkphp6.0 to provide interface data and deploy it online (pagoda). To study this course, you need to have certain uniapp basics, such as conditional compilation, WeChat login, network requests, local caching, component development, etc. In addition, you also need to have certain thinkphp foundation, such as routing registration, cross-domain processing, file upload configuration, database query, etc...
Separation of front and back ends
WeChat applet
WeChat login
12866 person learning
12class hour
01 hours 45 minutes 04 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 8 courses Student1579 Lecturer rating5.2
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You will learn:
To study this course, you need to have certain uniapp basics, such as conditional compilation, network requests, local caching, etc. In addition, you also need to have certain thinkphp foundation, such as routing registration, cross-domain processing, file upload configuration, database query, etc...
Uniapp Jane Eyre reading project development--Season 2
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01 hours 45 minutes 04 seconds Watch videos anytime
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