H5 page design project practice
HTML5 is a language description method for structuring web content. HTML5 is the next generation standard of the Internet and a language method for constructing and presenting Internet content. It is considered to be one of the core technologies of the Internet. HTML was created in 1990, and HTML4 became an Internet standard in 1997 and is widely used in the development of Internet applications.
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03 hours 57 minutes 32 secondsTotal course duration
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A total of 72 courses Student45558 Lecturer rating5.2
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HTML5 is a language description method for structuring web content. HTML5 is the next generation standard of the Internet and a language method for constructing and presenting Internet content. It is considered to be one of the core technologies of the Internet. HTML was created in 1990, and HTML4 became an Internet standard in 1997 and is widely used in the development of Internet applications.
H5 page design project practice
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03 hours 57 minutes 32 seconds Watch videos anytime
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