Learn Oracle from scratch
Oracle is a relational database management system from Oracle Corporation. It is a product that has always been in the leading position in the database field. It can be said that the Oracle database system is currently a popular relational database management system in the world. The system has good portability, easy use, and strong functions. It is suitable for various large, medium, and small computer environments. It is a database solution that is efficient, reliable and adaptable to high throughput.
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05 hours 11 minutes 42 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 72 courses Student45558 Lecturer rating5.6
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Oracle is a relational database management system from Oracle Corporation. It is a product that has always been in the leading position in the database field. It can be said that the Oracle database system is currently a popular relational database management system in the world. The system has good portability, easy use, and strong functions. It is suitable for various large, medium, and small computer environments. It is a database solution that is efficient, reliable and adaptable to high throughput.
Learn Oracle from scratch
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05 hours 11 minutes 42 seconds Watch videos anytime
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