VuePress: Create a Vue static website in 30 minutes
VuePress consists of two parts: the first part is a minimalist static website generator (opens new window), which contains a theme system and plug-in API driven by Vue, and the other part is a default theme optimized for writing technical documents. The original intention was to support the documentation needs of Vue and its sub-projects.
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18218 person learning
12class hour
01 hours 22 minutes 52 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 9 courses Student2762 Lecturer rating5.9
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You will learn:
VuePress consists of two parts: the first part is a minimalist static website generator (opens new window), which contains a theme system and plug-in API driven by Vue, and the other part is a default theme optimized for writing technical documents. The original intention was to support the documentation needs of Vue and its sub-projects.
VuePress: Create a Vue static website in 30 minutes
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01 hours 22 minutes 52 seconds Watch videos anytime
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