Analysis of core principles of Tomcat
Tomcat is a Servlet container developed by the Jakarta project under the Apache Software Foundation. According to the technical specifications provided by Sun Microsystems, it implements support for Servlets and JavaServer Page (JSP), and provides some unique functions as a Web server, such as Tomcat Management and control platform, security bureau management and Tomcat valve, etc.
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03 hours 46 minutes 08 secondsTotal course duration
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Tomcat is a Servlet container developed by the Jakarta project under the Apache Software Foundation. According to the technical specifications provided by Sun Microsystems, it implements support for Servlets and JavaServer Page (JSP), and provides some unique functions as a Web server, such as Tomcat Management and control platform, security bureau management and Tomcat valve, etc.
Analysis of core principles of Tomcat
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03 hours 46 minutes 08 seconds Watch videos anytime
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