thinkphp5.1+uni-app mall development
This practical project was developed using the popular front-end and back-end separation method. The front-end uses uniapp, and the back-end uses tp6.0 to provide interface data. To study this course, you need to have a certain Vue foundation and PHP foundation, and be familiar with the use of the thinkphp framework. ~
56074 person learning
31class hour
05 hours 01 minutes 43 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.1
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This practical project was developed using the popular front-end and back-end separation method. The front-end uses uniapp, and the back-end uses tp6.0 to provide interface data. To study this course, you need to have a certain Vue foundation and PHP foundation, and be familiar with the use of the thinkphp framework. ~
thinkphp5.1+uni-app mall development
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05 hours 01 minutes 43 seconds Watch videos anytime
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