laravel8+vue-element-admin+nuxt builds Mileduo CMS management system
Mileduo CMS management system is an open source CMS management system that provides the best development solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. It is a newly launched enterprise-level management system that is lightweight, high-performance, and separated from the front and back ends in 2021. It perfectly supports secondary development, can be learned and used commercially, and is designed to quickly build enterprise-level applications. The front and back ends are completely separated (independent of each other and high development efficiency), using PHP7.3 (strong type strict mode) Laravel8 (lightweight PHP development framework), vue-element-admin (enterprise-level middle and back-end product UI component library), nuxt The framework implements front-end SEO processing solutions.
management system
199884 person learning
116class hour
21 hours 46 minutes 59 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.5
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Mileduo CMS management system is an open source CMS management system that provides the best development solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. It is a newly launched enterprise-level management system that is lightweight, high-performance, and separated from the front and back ends in 2021. It perfectly supports secondary development, can be learned and used commercially, and is designed to quickly build enterprise-level applications. The front and back ends are completely separated (independent of each other and high development efficiency), using PHP7.3 (strong type strict mode) Laravel8 (lightweight PHP development framework), vue-element-admin (enterprise-level middle and back-end product UI component library), nuxt The framework implements front-end SEO processing solutions.
laravel8+vue-element-admin+nuxt builds Mileduo CMS management system
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21 hours 46 minutes 59 seconds Watch videos anytime
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