ECharts data visualization project-large screen data visualization display
There are two main purposes for studying this course: 1. Visual panel layout adapts to the screen 2. Use ECharts to realize histogram display Core Technology: -Based on flexible.js + rem smart large screen adaptation - VScode cssrem plug-in - Flex layout - Less to use - Based on ECharts data visualization display - ECharts histogram data settings - ECharts map introduction
55353 person learning
53class hour
05 hours 29 minutes 16 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180311 Lecturer rating5.6
You will learn:
There are two main purposes for studying this course: 1. Visual panel layout adapts to the screen 2. Use ECharts to realize histogram display Core Technology: -Based on flexible.js + rem smart large screen adaptation - VScode cssrem plug-in - Flex layout - Less to use - Based on ECharts data visualization display - ECharts histogram data settings - ECharts map introduction
ECharts data visualization project-large screen data visualization display
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05 hours 29 minutes 16 seconds Watch videos anytime
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