Use the most popular chart engine ECharts to display e-commerce platform data
The data visualization project uses the most popular chart engine ECharts to display all aspects of data that need to be presented in the e-commerce platform. Used to analyze the operation of e-commerce platforms in more detail in order to make correct decisions. The front-end of this project uses the Vue technology stack, the back-end uses the Koa2 framework, and the front-end and back-end data interaction uses WebSocket to ensure the real-time nature of the data. The project also supports theme switching to display cool chart effects. It also supports switching between large and small screens, ensuring that charts are presented on different screens.
97309 person learning
97class hour
17 hours 04 minutes 45 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.0
You will learn:
The data visualization project uses the most popular chart engine ECharts to display all aspects of data that need to be presented in the e-commerce platform. Used to analyze the operation of e-commerce platforms in more detail in order to make correct decisions. The front-end of this project uses the Vue technology stack, the back-end uses the Koa2 framework, and the front-end and back-end data interaction uses WebSocket to ensure the real-time nature of the data. The project also supports theme switching to display cool chart effects. It also supports switching between large and small screens, ensuring that charts are presented on different screens.
Use the most popular chart engine ECharts to display e-commerce platform data
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17 hours 04 minutes 45 seconds Watch videos anytime
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