Web front-end mobile development advanced tutorial-Letao mobile mall project
This course is suitable for students with a certain front-end foundation. Course content includes: use of mui framework, front-end verification plug-in, echarts data visualization, Ajax progress bar component, template engine rendering, and image upload plug-in.
front end
79142 person learning
85class hour
09 hours 05 minutes 23 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.6
You will learn:
This course is suitable for students with a certain front-end foundation. Course content includes: use of mui framework, front-end verification plug-in, echarts data visualization, Ajax progress bar component, template engine rendering, and image upload plug-in.
Web front-end mobile development advanced tutorial-Letao mobile mall project
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09 hours 05 minutes 23 seconds Watch videos anytime
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