A complete set of Vue core technology practical tutorials
This video is recorded based on Vue2.5 and covers the technologies required for Vue development: templates, data binding, declarative rendering, calculated properties, event processing, transition animation, instructions, custom Vue plug-ins, component development, inter-component communication, Ajax Front-end and back-end interaction, Vue-Router, etc. Conduct in-depth source code analysis of the core parts of data proxy, template parsing, data hijacking, and data binding.
full stack
86021 person learning
75class hour
21 hours 00 minutes 21 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.4
You will learn:
This video is recorded based on Vue2.5 and covers the technologies required for Vue development: templates, data binding, declarative rendering, calculated properties, event processing, transition animation, instructions, custom Vue plug-ins, component development, inter-component communication, Ajax Front-end and back-end interaction, Vue-Router, etc. Conduct in-depth source code analysis of the core parts of data proxy, template parsing, data hijacking, and data binding.
A complete set of Vue core technology practical tutorials
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21 hours 00 minutes 21 seconds Watch videos anytime
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