Issue 18_Comprehensive actual combat
Comprehensive practical practice, including Ant Design Vue component library and Ant Design Pro (admin) backend management, real project online process, ThinkPHP6 implementation of API interface development, SMS verification, payment system development..., consolidate the learning results of the first and second phases, and achieve front-end and Flexible application of PHP core knowledge points, practical training to complete your own projects, and guidance to go online!
Actual combat
Issue 18
84683 person learning
100class hour
01 days 08 hours 16 minutes 03 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 51 courses Student5297 Lecturer rating5.9
You will learn:
Comprehensive practical practice, including Ant Design Vue component library and Ant Design Pro (admin) backend management, real project online process, ThinkPHP6 implementation of API interface development, SMS verification, payment system development..., consolidate the learning results of the first and second phases, and achieve front-end and Flexible application of PHP core knowledge points, practical training to complete your own projects, and guidance to go online!
Issue 18_Comprehensive actual combat
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01 days 08 hours 16 minutes 03 seconds Watch videos anytime
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