Getting started with Ajax asynchronous request technology from scratch
An asynchronous request means that after the client sends a request message, it does not wait for the server's response and continues to perform other operations. Web applications using Ajax technology can quickly present incremental updates to the user interface without the need to reload (refresh) the entire page, which allows the program to respond to user operations faster.
Asynchronous request
18753 person learning
18class hour
10 hours 00 minutes 28 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.6
You will learn:
An asynchronous request means that after the client sends a request message, it does not wait for the server's response and continues to perform other operations. Web applications using Ajax technology can quickly present incremental updates to the user interface without the need to reload (refresh) the entire page, which allows the program to respond to user operations faster.
Getting started with Ajax asynchronous request technology from scratch
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10 hours 00 minutes 28 seconds Watch videos anytime
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