JavaScript in-depth analysis [Web front-end must know basic skills]
This tutorial mainly focuses on the in-depth introduction of the JavaScript language itself and its surrounding languages, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of the JavaScript language and related programming paradigms from both depth and breadth, and lay a solid foundation for front-end development to cope with the development of large-scale and complex applications. It also lays a solid foundation for later advanced content.
front end
19650 person learning
22class hour
02 hours 38 minutes 19 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.9
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This tutorial mainly focuses on the in-depth introduction of the JavaScript language itself and its surrounding languages, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of the JavaScript language and related programming paradigms from both depth and breadth, and lay a solid foundation for front-end development to cope with the development of large-scale and complex applications. It also lays a solid foundation for later advanced content.
JavaScript in-depth analysis [Web front-end must know basic skills]
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02 hours 38 minutes 19 seconds Watch videos anytime
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