PHP Composer Tutorial [Build your own PHP development framework]
Course introduction: 1. Detailed application of Composer tools; 2. Application of common components of Composer; 3. Use Composer to build your own PHP development framework; 4. Use your own PHP framework to develop a library management system. Basic requirements: Understand the basic use of PHP and MySQL.
20876 person learning
21class hour
05 hours 05 minutes 15 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180311 Lecturer rating5.3
You will learn:
Course introduction: 1. Detailed application of Composer tools; 2. Application of common components of Composer; 3. Use Composer to build your own PHP development framework; 4. Use your own PHP framework to develop a library management system. Basic requirements: Understand the basic use of PHP and MySQL.
PHP Composer Tutorial [Build your own PHP development framework]
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05 hours 05 minutes 15 seconds Watch videos anytime
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