Getting Started with PHP to Practical Practice - Implementing Email Verification (Sending Emails in a Queue)
This project is developed using native PHP, so novices can easily get started. Core knowledge points~ 1. PHP object-oriented programming 2. CURD (create, update, read, delete) of MySQL database 3. Combination of PHP and MySql--PDO connection to database 4. PHPmailer sends the email and completes email verification 5. Telnet simulates email sending 6. Execute php in php-cli mode 7. PHP+MySQL implements queue sending emails 8. AJAX asynchronously triggers the mail queue
38481 person learning
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03 hours 18 minutes 19 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 8 courses Student1579 Lecturer rating5.3
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Core knowledge points~ 1. PHP object-oriented programming 2. CURD (create, update, read, delete) of MySQL database 3. Combination of PHP and MySql--PDO connection to database 4. PHPmailer sends the email and completes email verification 5. Telnet simulates email sending 6. Execute php in php-cli mode 7. PHP+MySQL implements queue sending emails 8. AJAX asynchronously triggers the mail queue This project is developed using native PHP, and even beginners can easily get started.
Getting Started with PHP to Practical Practice - Implementing Email Verification (Sending Emails in a Queue)
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03 hours 18 minutes 19 seconds Watch videos anytime
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