Tens of millions of data concurrency solutions (theory + practical)
This set of courses is an advanced course, including: query optimization and performance analysis of MySQL single table with tens of millions of data, mySQL master-slave principle and its application in high-concurrency systems, integration and use of Elasticsearch and PHP (Laravel), high concurrency The difference between system code and ordinary system code architecture and analysis of concerns, etc.
High concurrency
144374 person learning
49class hour
16 hours 09 minutes 50 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 2 courses Student1365 Lecturer rating5.5
You will learn:
1. Problems faced by massive data systems 2. After the concurrency increases, the system pressure analysis 3. The bottleneck faced by the system after massive data + high concurrent access 4. Introduction to Redis, installation and deployment (windows, linux), PHP integration 5. The role of search engines in modern web systems and their installation and deployment (windows+linux) 6. Integration and use of Elasticsearch and php (thinkphp) 7. Mysql query optimization and performance analysis for tens of millions of data volumes in a single table 8. MySQL master-slave principle and its application in high-concurrency systems 9. Analysis of the differences and concerns between high-concurrency system code and ordinary system code architecture
Tens of millions of data concurrency solutions (theory + practical)
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16 hours 09 minutes 50 seconds Watch videos anytime
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