Front-end engineering (ES6 modularization and webpack packaging)
The way Webpack works is: treat your project as a whole, through a given main file (such as: index.js), Webpack will find all the dependency files of your project starting from this file, use loaders to process them, and finally Packaged into one (or more) browser-readable JavaScript files.
48286 person learning
24class hour
02 hours 07 minutes 31 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.2
You will learn:
The way Webpack works is: treat your project as a whole, through a given main file (such as: index.js), Webpack will find all the dependency files of your project starting from this file, use loaders to process them, and finally Packaged into one (or more) browser-readable JavaScript files.
Front-end engineering (ES6 modularization and webpack packaging)
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02 hours 07 minutes 31 seconds Watch videos anytime
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