Database principles and applications [one set for all database interviews]
Many programmers who have worked for many years still have a very basic understanding of databases. They are confused as soon as they go out for interviews. They don’t understand basic SQL statements, more complex SQL queries, and SQL statement optimization. They don’t even know how to use them. Redis improves system performance and can withstand tens of millions of concurrencies. This set of courses will help you thoroughly understand MySQL locks, execution plans, indexes, MVCC & Redis transactions, cache, breakdown, penetration, avalanche, warm-up, etc., and you can complete all database interviews in one set!
170718 person learning
75class hour
20 hours 01 minutes 29 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180311 Lecturer rating5.0
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Many programmers who have worked for many years still have a very basic understanding of databases. They are confused as soon as they go out for interviews. They don’t understand basic SQL statements, more complex SQL queries, and SQL statement optimization. They don’t even know how to use them. Redis improves system performance and can withstand tens of millions of concurrencies. This set of courses will help you thoroughly understand MySQL locks, execution plans, indexes, MVCC & Redis transactions, cache, breakdown, penetration, avalanche, warm-up, etc., and you can complete all database interviews in one set!
Database principles and applications [one set for all database interviews]
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20 hours 01 minutes 29 seconds Watch videos anytime
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