Extreme programming - the way to practice as a programmer
This set of courses answers some of the problems programmers encounter at work, such as how to write maintainable code, orthogonality: how to crack a project and affect the whole body, how to make your code more concise, and how the team can do it Refactoring and other issues.
57593 person learning
27class hour
01 hours 11 minutes 45 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 1 courses Student319 Lecturer rating5.6
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This set of courses answers some of the problems programmers encounter at work, such as how to write maintainable code, orthogonality: how to crack a project and affect the whole body, how to make your code more concise, and how the team can do it Refactoring and other issues.
Extreme programming - the way to practice as a programmer
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01 hours 11 minutes 45 seconds Watch videos anytime
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