Laravel 9 is the right time to learn—a nanny-level tutorial that makes it even easier to learn!
Want to improve your development efficiency? Let you use Laravel9, the most popular high-efficiency framework in the PHP world; do you want your code to be more like an artist's work? Let’s take you through Laravel9, a PHP framework specially built for web craftsmen. This course will start from scratch and teach you to use the world's most popular PHP framework to develop any project, and save you a lot of development and maintenance time. What are you waiting for? Get in the car! (Note: The course is still being recorded and updated... activate now to enjoy the original price)
83318 person learning
34class hour
07 hours 02 minutes 20 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 0 courses Student0 Lecturer rating5.8
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Want to improve your development efficiency? Let you use Laravel9, the most popular high-efficiency framework in the PHP world; do you want your code to be more like an artist's work? Let’s take you through Laravel9, a PHP framework specially built for web craftsmen. This course will start from scratch and teach you to use the world's most popular PHP framework to develop any project, and save you a lot of development and maintenance time. What are you waiting for? Get in the car! (Note: The course is still being recorded and updated... activate now to enjoy the original price)
Laravel 9 is the right time to learn—a nanny-level tutorial that makes it even easier to learn!
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07 hours 02 minutes 20 seconds Watch videos anytime
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