CodeIgniter3 (CI3) basic tutorial (full)
CodeIgniter is an application development framework and toolkit for PHP website developers. Its goal is to enable you to develop more quickly. It provides a large number of class libraries needed for daily tasks, as well as simple interfaces and logical structures. By reducing the amount of code, CodeIgniter allows you to focus more on your creative work.
41206 person learning
37class hour
06 hours 15 minutes 20 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.1
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CodeIgniter is an application development framework and toolkit for PHP website developers. Its goal is to enable you to develop more quickly. It provides a large number of class libraries needed for daily tasks, as well as simple interfaces and logical structures. By reducing the amount of code, CodeIgniter allows you to focus more on your creative work.
CodeIgniter3 (CI3) basic tutorial (full)
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06 hours 15 minutes 20 seconds Watch videos anytime
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