Node.js-must learn front-end engineering
This course will lead you to appreciate the charm of Node.js. Starting from the basics of Node.js, you will learn concepts such as functions, events, and modules to lay the technical foundation for WebPack. In addition, this course will lead you to learn the new es6 standards from shallow to deep, paving the way for learning front-end frameworks and engineering development.
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19528 person learning
19class hour
01 hours 57 minutes 47 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 51 courses Student5297 Lecturer rating5.9
You will learn:
Start with the basics of Node.js and learn concepts such as functions, events, and modules to lay the technical foundation for WebPack. In addition, this course will lead you to learn the new es6 standards, from shallow to deep, paving the way for learning front-end frameworks and engineering development.
Node.js-must learn front-end engineering
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01 hours 57 minutes 47 seconds Watch videos anytime
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