Vue3.0 mobile mall project actual combat (separation of front and back ends)
This course uses Vue3's new combined API + vant/Element Plus component library to complete the development of all templates for the mobile terminal and backend management of the mall, master the development model of mobile terminal projects and enterprise management system software, project expansion, testing, optimization, online, Handling of routine operations such as maintenance.
Actual combat
51260 person learning
75class hour
11 hours 27 minutes 22 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 51 courses Student5297 Lecturer rating5.5
You will learn:
This course uses Vue3's new combined API + vant/Element Plus component library to complete the development of all templates for the mobile terminal and backend management of the mall, master the development model of mobile terminal projects and enterprise management system software, project expansion, testing, optimization, online, Handling of routine operations such as maintenance.
Vue3.0 mobile mall project actual combat (separation of front and back ends)
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11 hours 27 minutes 22 seconds Watch videos anytime
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