Learn Webpack in two hours
As the demand for front-end engineering, that is, modular development, becomes increasingly popular, webpack has increasingly become a standard feature of front-end projects. This course introduces how to use webpack to package files, process various resources, and configure the development environment in projects. Online environment, etc., we will explain the use of webpack through practical examples and help you explore the powerful functions of webpack.
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01 hours 52 minutes 11 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 51 courses Student5297 Lecturer rating5.4
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As the demand for front-end engineering, that is, modular development, becomes increasingly popular, webpack has increasingly become a standard feature of front-end projects. This course introduces how to use webpack to package files, process various resources, and configure the development environment in projects. Online environment, etc., we will explain the use of webpack through practical examples and help you explore the powerful functions of webpack.
Learn Webpack in two hours
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01 hours 52 minutes 11 seconds Watch videos anytime
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