Enter ES6 new standard syntax
ECMAScript 6 has basically become the industry standard. Mainstream front-end frameworks such as ReactJS, Vue.js, and angularjs will all use the new features of ES6. Its popularity is much faster than that of ES5. This chapter explains in detail the commonly used new features of ES6: different variable declarations, template strings, arrow functions, object and array destructuring, classes in ES6, and Module modular programming.
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02 hours 39 minutes 12 secondsTotal course duration
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ECMAScript 6 has basically become the industry standard. Mainstream front-end frameworks such as ReactJS, Vue.js, and angularjs will all use the new features of ES6. Its popularity is much faster than that of ES5. This chapter explains in detail the commonly used new features of ES6: different variable declarations, template strings, arrow functions, object and array destructuring, classes in ES6, and Module modular programming.
Enter ES6 new standard syntax
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02 hours 39 minutes 12 seconds Watch videos anytime
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