The front-end course that understands you best: HTML5/CSS3/ES6/NPM/Vue/...[Original]
1. HTML5: a new generation of structured markup language, the latest international standard from W3C; 2. CSS5: The latest collection of style rules, in line with modern page layout standards; 3. ES6: The latest specification of JavaScript (based on the latest ECMAScript standard); 4. NPM: The latest standard front-end package management tool based on Node.js; 5. VUE: The world’s most popular universal front-end development framework (essential for front-end development)
Big front end
182437 person learning
152class hour
01 days 08 hours 20 minutes 06 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 51 courses Student5297 Lecturer rating5.5
You will learn:
1. HTML5: a new generation of structured markup language, the latest international standard from W3C; 2. CSS5: The latest collection of style rules, in line with modern page layout standards; 3. ES6: The latest specification of JavaScript (based on the latest ECMAScript standard); 4. NPM: The latest standard front-end package management tool based on Node.js; 5. VUE: The world’s most popular universal front-end development framework (essential for front-end development)
The front-end course that understands you best: HTML5/CSS3/ES6/NPM/Vue/...[Original]
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01 days 08 hours 20 minutes 06 seconds Watch videos anytime
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