Full stack = Fully done? Questions from the soul of a full-stack developer
[Public welfare live broadcast] Core themes: 1. The path to growth as a PHP programmer 2. Future trends in WEB development 3. Where does a full-stack engineer go? 4. The unspeakable secret of layoffs 5. Why is the company/industry so involution? 6. Winter, are you ready? 7. .... Communication QQ group: 609135716 Live broadcast time: 20:00 pm on September 22, 2022
Public welfare live broadcast
3139 person learning
2class hour
01 hours 33 minutes 52 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 6 courses Student1517 Lecturer rating5.0
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【Public Welfare Live Broadcast】Full Stack=​Full Stack? Questions from the soul of a full-stack developer. Core themes: 1. The path to growth as a PHP programmer 2. Future trends in WEB development 3. Where does a full-stack engineer go? 4. The unspeakable secret of layoffs 5. Why is the company/industry so involution? 6. Winter, are you ready? 7. .... Communication QQ group: 609135716 Live broadcast time: 20:00 pm on September 22, 2022
Full stack = Fully done? Questions from the soul of a full-stack developer
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01 hours 33 minutes 52 seconds Watch videos anytime
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