Information System Project Manager (Advanced Software Examination) One-stop pass course
The full name of "Soft Exam" is Computer Technology and Software Qualification (Level) Examination, which is the only programmer-related exam in the "National Vocational Qualification Directory". This course is tailor-made for the advanced qualification "Information System Project Manager" in the soft exam. Teacher Jiu will help you prepare for the exam efficiently, improve your pass rate, lead your competitors, obtain national certification, and get on board easily! Suitable for the crowd - IT practitioners: People from all walks of life who are engaged in computer application technology, software, networks, information systems and information services; Project managers: For those who are engaged in or preparing to engage in project management, a certificate can be used as a bonus Items; Practitioners within the system: By obtaining relevant certificates, you can take the evaluation and obtain corresponding professional titles and benefits; If you want to settle in a big city: Whether it is to settle with a professional title or settle with points, the soft exam is a convenient method.
Soft test
86343 person learning
112class hour
09 hours 06 minutes 09 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 0 courses Student0 Lecturer rating5.1
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The full name of "Soft Exam" is Computer Technology and Software Qualification (Level) Examination. It is a national examination jointly led by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. It is also the only programmer-related examination in the "National Vocational Qualification Directory". This course is tailor-made for the advanced qualification "Information System Project Manager" in the soft exam. Teacher Jiu will help you get started easily!
Information System Project Manager (Advanced Software Examination) One-stop pass course
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09 hours 06 minutes 09 seconds Watch videos anytime
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