SQL optimization and troubleshooting (MySQL version)
MySQL installation and configuration under Linux, database logical layering, parsing process, index, detailed analysis of SQL execution plan, principles to avoid index failure, optimization cases, common optimization strategies, slow SQL troubleshooting, simulation of massive data, lock mechanism, MySQL under windows and linux Master-slave replication.
21360 person learning
26class hour
08 hours 42 minutes 01 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180311 Lecturer rating5.0
You will learn:
MySQL installation and configuration under Linux, database logical layering, parsing process, index, detailed analysis of SQL execution plan, principles to avoid index failure, optimization cases, common optimization strategies, slow SQL troubleshooting, simulation of massive data, lock mechanism, MySQL under windows and linux Master-slave replication.
SQL optimization and troubleshooting (MySQL version)
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08 hours 42 minutes 01 seconds Watch videos anytime
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