HTML5+CSS practice project [Hand Knock Onmyoji official website]
In terms of the layout of web page works: the overall layout of the web page is the layout of LOGO, navigation, carousel images, and main content. There are multiple layouts for sub-pages. The interest and hobby content uses a picture list layout. A table is inserted into the results page. Contact us uses the picture alignment method to set left alignment. Technical aspects of web page works: Use CSS to create web page background images, mouse over and selected navigation color changes, underlines, etc. A message form was created on the homepage, and the form judgment was created simply using JavaScript.
12550 person learning
15class hour
04 hours 13 minutes 28 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.2
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In terms of the layout of web page works: the overall layout of the web page is the layout of LOGO, navigation, carousel images, and main content. There are multiple layouts for sub-pages. The interest and hobby content uses a picture list layout. A table is inserted into the results page. Contact us uses the picture alignment method to set left alignment. Technical aspects of web page works: Use CSS to create web page background images, mouse over and selected navigation color changes, underlines, etc. A message form was created on the homepage, and the form judgment was created simply using JavaScript.
HTML5+CSS practice project [Hand Knock Onmyoji official website]
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04 hours 13 minutes 28 seconds Watch videos anytime
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